R365 Intelligence: Dashboard Views
  • 03 Jul 2024
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R365 Intelligence: Dashboard Views

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Article summary

This article covers the Dashboard functions in view mode and is part of R365 Intelligence, an R365 add-on feature.

To open a dashboard, users can double click a dashboard from the dashboard library list. This will open the dashboard in a new tab. When a dashboard is open, users can view all the visualizations created for the dashboard.

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Dashboard View Header

When a dashboard is being viewed the dashboard view header will remain at the top of the page.



Table of Contents 

Click to view the dashboard Table of Contents and navigate between different pages and chapters.


Click to open or save any bookmarks. Users can bookmark certain dashboard filtered views to quickly return to at any time.

Recall Actions

Click any of the recall buttons to recall any previous filters. These functions will be disabled when the view is in its original status and no changes have been made.

  • Reset Actions - Click to reset all filter changes

  • Undo Action - Undo the previous action taken

  • Redo Action - Redo the previous action undone


The dashboard name, chapter name, and page name currently in view.

Filter Action

Click to set filter parameters that filter the view of the data within the dashboard. Filter options will be dependent on the data within the dashboard. When a filter is set on the dashboard

Users can use the recall actions to undo or reset any filters. Users can also bookmark a filtered view which saves the view to their bookmarks to return to at a later time.


Click to switch to edit mode. To learn more about Editing Dashboards, click here.

The edit option is not available for R365 Dashboard Masters. 

Set Filters

Any filters currently added to the dashboard view will be listed here

View All

Click to view all current filters set.

Dashboard View

The view of the data shown on the dashboard is based on the parameters set by any filters added. The view is also dependent on user navigation as users can navigate to different pages using the table of contents.

The data shown on a dashboard is dependent on the dashboard created. Each widget or tile is called a visualization. All visualizations have specific variables, metrics, and display settings that can be edited in edit mode. To learn more about editing dashboards, click here

Hovering over a visualization or widget also allows users to access the menu icon , which users can click to export the data or show the specific data.

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