Notes Tab
  • 09 Jul 2024
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Notes Tab

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Article summary

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

The 'Notes' tab consists of the 'Log Entries' section, which lists all Log Entries where the employee was tagged. Employee notes can be for a variety of reasons, such as 'No Show', 'Late for Shift', 'Exceptional Service', and more. Learn more about adding employee notes here.

When a Log Entry is created and tied to an employee who is also has access to employee records, that Log Entry will be hidden from their view when reviewing this tab.


A white background with black arrow  Description automatically generated



Search Bar

Filters displayed Log Entries within the selected date range for the text entered.

Date Range

Filters for Log Entries that were posted within the selected date range. Options include:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 Days (Default)

  • Last 30 Days

  • This Month

  • Last Month

  • Custom Date

Smart Grid Controls

Table Views - Save/edit table views.
Filter - Filter column information.
Sort- Click to sort the table based on column and order.
Refresh- Refresh the table.

Learn more about Working With Smart Grids.

Log Entry Cards

Each Log Entry that the employee has been tagged on will be displayed as a Log Entry card. Clicking on a Log Entry card will open the Log Entry for editing. Learn more about editing Log Entries here.

A screenshot of a chat  Description automatically generated




Log Entry Category associated with the Log Entry.


Priority for the Log Entry:

  • General

  • Important

  • Must Read


Date associated with the Log Entry.

Creation Date

Date and time Log Entry was created.


Log Entry text.


Tags for the Log Entry. If more than one tag is present, hover over the tags to view all tags.

Employees Tagged

Number of employees tagged. Hover over to view all employees tagged.

Created By

User who created the Log Entry.


Location associated with the Log Entry.


Number of comments.


Number of attachments.

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