Cancelling a Scheduled Payment Run

There are many reasons why users might need to cancel a scheduled payment, such as if a payment was set up incorrectly or scheduled for the wrong date. Scheduled payments can be cancelled either from AP Transactions or Payment Runs

If only the Payment Date needs to be updated on a scheduled payment, the payment can be rescheduled

Cancelling an individual payment in AP Transactions

In Accounts Payable section of the left navigation menu, select AP Transactions.
The AP Transactions page appears.

In the Number column, select the AP Transaction number for the scheduled payment that needs to be cancelled.
The AP Payment record appears.

Filter the R365 Payment Status column to show only Scheduled payments. This makes it easier to locate the scheduled payment.

Hover over the Action menu and select Cancel Scheduled Payment.

In the Cancel Confirmation window, select Yes to confirm cancellation.
The scheduled payment is cancelled.

Cancelling multiple payments in AP Transactions

In Accounts Payable section of the left navigation menu, select AP Transactions.
The AP Transactions page appears.

Select the checkboxes for the scheduled payments that need to be cancelled.

Filter the R365 Payment Status column to show only Scheduled payments. This makes it easier to locate the scheduled payment.

Hover over the Edit Selected menu and select Cancel Scheduled PMT.

In the Cancel Confirmation window, select Yes to confirm cancellation.
The scheduled payments are cancelled.


Cancelling a payment in Payment Runs

In the Accounts Payable section of the left navigation menu, select Payment Runs.
The Payment Runs page appears.

Payment Runs can also be accessed by selecting the Payment Runs tab in AP Center.

Select the payment that needs to be cancelled.
The Payment Run side sheet opens.

In the Payment Run side sheet, select Cancel Payments.

In the resulting prompt, select specific payments to cancel or chooseSelect All to cancel all payments on the Payment Run.

Select Done to confirm selections and close the payment selector.

Select Cancel # Payment to finalize the cancellation of the selected payment(s).
The scheduled payments are cancelled.

The number shown on this button matches the number of payments selected in step 4.