Print & Ship W2s (APS Payroll)
  • 25 Jul 2024
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Print & Ship W2s (APS Payroll)

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Article summary

When W2s are approved, R365 can either print and send them to your Organization or your Organization can skip this step and save money by directly printing W2s and then shipping them to your Employees.

If your Organization decides to remotely print, W2s can be printed from the Year-End Dashboard. It is important to note that Employees who opt to receive Paperless W2s will have their W2 removed from the printing queue. 

Remotely Printing and Shipping W2s

After W2s are reviewed and approved, the User will have the option to select their Organization's preference for receiving W2s. Users can either select to print their own W2s or have their W2s printed and mailed to them. 

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

If remote printing is selected and saved, the Form Status on the Year-End Dashboard will be updated to 'Ready to Print: Click here to print your forms' when they are processed.

W2 Tax Forms will be printed in the following manner:

  • W2s will print on standard 8.5" x 11" paper

  • The lines and boxes will print on the paper with the corresponding information

  • The printed W2s will fit in a standard #10 envelope

  • Each W2 will be two pages, including the Employee instructions

R365 to Print and Ship W2s

If the option to have your Organization's W2s printed and sent to you, each W2 will be individually sealed, bundled, and shipped via FedEx to the Organization's address on file in APS Payroll. Once received, these W2s can be accounted for and sent directly to Employees. This process is to ensure that all required forms are received.

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