Voiding a payment with R365 Payments
  • 11 Jun 2024
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Voiding a payment with R365 Payments

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Article summary

Voids play a crucial role in the realm of accounting, serving as a mechanism to signify that a payment has not been issued or fulfilled. While voiding payments is a common practice for rectifying errors or addressing specific financial scenarios, it is important to exercise caution, especially when dealing with transactions that have already been transmitted through R365 Payments.

If you find yourself needing to stop a payment approved for R365 Payments we advise seeking approval from our support specialists. Payments that have already transmitted payload data will require the attention of our operations team to remove, or 'Unpack', the payment file that needs to be omitted. This process can only be done in a small timeframe after the payment has been created.

If you have questions or specific inquiries about voiding R365 Payments don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly support team. They're here to guide you and make your AP management a breeze.  

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