Troubleshoot AP Transaction Import Errors
  • 29 Jul 2024
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Troubleshoot AP Transaction Import Errors

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Article summary

When you import AP transactions through a CSV file, you may encounter errors or unexpected outcomes. This resource covers several common reasons CSV imports may fail to produce the expected results. To resolve the problem, we recommend you check these reasons in order.

Reason 1: Column Header Mismatch

We provide CSV template files in our AP Imports: Import Templates resource. It’s critical that the column headers in your file match the template headers exactly (see below for details).

Please double-check the spelling and spacing of the values in your header row. If any mismatches exist, correct them and try the import again.

By Item Headers

By Account Headers

Reason 2: Multi-Row Invoice Details Mismatch

If a single invoice occupies multiple lines of the same CSV file (either because it contains multiple items or hits multiple GL accounts), some file columns must contain identical values in each row in order for our system to interpret these rows as part of the same invoice. See below for further detail.

By Item

When importing a multi-row invoice by item, the values in the columns below must be identical in each row:

Columns A-E instruct the system to create each row as part of the same invoice, and columns F-L instruct the system how to differentiate the rows on the invoice record.

By Account

When importing a multi-row invoice by account, the values in the columns below must be identical in each row:

Columns A-J instruct the system to create each row as part of the same invoice, and columns K-N instruct the system how to differentiate the rows on the invoice record.

If you would like each row of the invoice to contain a different comment, for example, you must enter the same value in the Comment column (J) in each row and differentiate the rows in the Detail Comment column (N).

Reason 3: Location Formatting

Location records in R365 often have names formatted in the following manner:

[Location ID #] - [Location Name]

  • Example: “8076 - Hyde Park”

When importing, values in the Location column should never follow this format. Cells should include either the location number (“8076”) or the location name (“Hyde Park”), not both.

Please double-check your location values. If any formatting errors exist, correct them and try the import again.

Reason 4: Fiscal Period Status

If the value you entered in the Date column isn’t displaying properly on the imported records, you may be trying to enter the invoice in a closed fiscal period. To determine if this is the problem, see Determine if a Transaction is in Closed Fiscal Period

For information on reopening the period, see Reopen a Closed Fiscal Year

Other Reasons

Imports may fail to produce expected results for other reasons. For more information, visit AP Imports: Import Templates and locate the Templates section. In the table, in the Usage Documentation column, click the Documentation link corresponding to the import type you’re attempting (by item, or by account).

If you still need assistance, please contact us.

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