Theoretical On Hand
  • 07 Jul 2024
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Theoretical On Hand

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Article summary

The Theoretical On Hand Report tells a User how much product is on hand as of the selected date. The report will pull the most recent count up to 90 days before the provided date and will calculate the changes in Inventory based off Sales, Purchases, Transfers, and Waste from the point the count was taken until the selected date. This will provide an accurate depiction of how much of a counted item should be at a selected Location.


To navigate to the Theoretical on Hand Report, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left pane and then select 'Purch. & Inv.' in the top header of the reporting window. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown. 

Find 'Theoretical on Hand' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be used to define your report.

Report Parameters

  1. Location - A listing of all Locations

  2. As Of - The date the report is ran as of

  3. Item Category - These Item Categories reflect the Item Categories set up for your items in R365

  4. Count Time - This option specifies the time of the day the Inventory count was performed

  5. Show Amounts - This will either show or hide the dollar amounts tied to the item amounts

  6. Run Button - Runs the report. Users can also send, export, or print the report directly from this button by clicking the down arrow portion and selecting the desired action. Click here to learn more about this functionality

Click here to learn more about Report Views and their added functionality.

Report Columns

  1. Item - The item name, which is hyperlinked to its item record

  2. Inv U of M - The Unit of Measure used for this item in inventory

  3. Cost - The cost of the item

  4. Count - The last amount counted for the item

  5. Purch (+) - The amount purchased

  6. Trans (+) - The amount transferred to / from another store

  7. Waste (-) - The amount wasted

  8. Sales (+) - The amount of the item sold

  9. On Hand - The amount of the item theoretically available at the selected Location

If 'Show Amounts' was set to 'Yes' in the Report Parameters, the dollar amounts for each item will be displayed below the listed item.

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.

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