R365 Red App: Archived Messages
  • 26 Jun 2024
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R365 Red App: Archived Messages

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Article summary

This article is part of R365 Messaging

When a specific Message Thread is outdated or no longer useful, Users can archive the chat thread. The User who archives the chat will continue to receive messages to the archived chat, but they will no longer see the chat listed on the Message Queue. The chat will only be visible on the archived list. 

The Archived Messages List can be accessed by tapping 'Archived' at the top of the Messaging Queue.

Archiving Chats

Users can Archive a chat from the Messaging Queue or from the Chat Information Screen. 

Messaging Queue

To Archive a thread from the Messaging Queue, swipe left on the thread. Tap 'Archive' from the options that appear. 

Chat Information Screen

First Navigate to the Group Message Info screen or Contact Info screen by tapping the name at the top of the message thread. Tap the 'Archive' option.


Unarchiving Chats

When an Archived Chat is needed, Users can simply Unarchive the chat thread.

To Unarchive a chat, navigate to the Archived Messages List. Swipe left on the chat needed, and tap 'Unarchive.' This will return the thread to the main Messaging Queue. 

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