R365 Payments Vendor Enrollment
  • 05 Dec 2024
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R365 Payments Vendor Enrollment

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Article summary

Vendors who will receive payments through the R365 Payments Service can register for the FIS Vendor Portal to gain access to detailed information about payments and update banking information as needed.

By enrolling early, vendors can begin receiving ACH and vCard payments sooner rather than later. Physical checks will be mailed to the vendor until they are fully enrolled in FIS and able to receive other methods of payment.

Here's How It Works


During the R365 Payments onboarding process, the Support team will assist you in creating a vendor report. This report contains contact information for each vendor that will receive payments through the R365 Payments service. For more information about onboarding, see Getting started with R365 Payments.

Vendor Enrollment

After the report is received, R365 gets to work enrolling the vendors with FIS using a vendor match process. This process takes about 5-7 business days to complete. Once completed, a final report can be shared upon request. When the vendor match is completed and approved, FIS can begin enrolling vendors for ACH and vCard payments. This process can take about two weeks.

During this time, vendors are encouraged to enroll in vCard payments, which provides the greatest benefit for your organization. For more information see Payment Methods.

Vendor Portal Registration

Once a vendor is enrolled, they receive an email with instructions to sign up for the FIS Vendor Portal. The email is sent to the email address listed in the vendor report. If the email address is not valid or if the vendor enrolls later, the email is sent to the email address on the Vendor record.

Using the registration code and instructions provided in the email, the vendor can register for the FIS Vendor Portal. Once the registration is complete, they can access the portal to view and download payment remittance details, update banking information, and manage payment notifications.

Vendors who were added after the initial setup will receive the email when the first payment is sent to them.

Contact FIS Vendor Portal

If your vendor needs assistance with enrollment or using the FIS Vendor Portal, please call 877-330-4950 or email at [email protected].

If you or someone in your organization has questions about the process, please reach out to R365 Support.

Registration Email

Example registration email:

Notification of Payment Received

When an ACH or vCard payment is sent to a vendor, they receive an email like the one shown below. The email provides an overview of the payment information, including the method of payment, date when the payment was received, payment number, and amount. Vendors can select the links in the email to view more details or access the Vendor Portal.

The effective date indicates when the payment was submitted to FIS for vendor processing, not the date entered on the AP Payment form.

Example payment notification:

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