Merge Recipes or Ingredients
  • 26 Jul 2024
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Merge Recipes or Ingredients

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Article summary

Recipes in R365 cannot be directly merged. If a duplicate Recipe has been created, it is recommended to make the duplicated Recipe inactive and update the title to indicate that it should no longer be used.

Follow this checklist to fully deactivate duplicate Recipes:

Make note of the active Recipe that will be remaining in use. This Recipe will be used throughout the process for remapping.

Open the Recipe Record for the duplicate Recipe. Change the name to include 'ZZZ DO NOT USE', then save the Recipe Record

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Uncheck the 'Active' checkbox to change the status of the duplicated Recipe to 'Inactive', then save the Recipe Record

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Review the 'Recipes On' tab. If any Recipes are present, the now-deactivated Recipe is an ingredient of those Recipes, and they will need to be remapped.

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Open the Recipe Record that requires ingredient remapping by double-clicking on it from the deactivated Recipe's 'Recipes On' tab.

Navigate to the 'Ingredients' tab, then remove the inactive Recipe by clicking the trashcan icon.

If the active Recipe is not already present as an ingredient, it can be added at this time.

Save the Recipe Record and repeat this step for all Recipes using the deactivated Recipe as an ingredient

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Review Menu Items mapped to the inactive Recipe by searching the 'Recipe' column of the 'Menu Item' grid for 'ZZZ'

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Open the Menu Item Record that requires remapping by double-clicking on it from the Menu Item grid. Remap the Menu Item to the appropriate active Recipe.

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