Intraday Polling

Intraday Polling allows current Sales and Labor data to be polled every 15, 30, or 60 minutes, depending on your POS capabilities. This feature works in conjunction with the Operations Dashboard, where forecasted Sales and Labor data can be viewed alongside real-time data. It also works in conjunction with R365 Intelligence, where Users can create dynamic Dashboards for customized reporting. Intraday Polling enables Restaurant Managers to make hourly Labor decisions based on the number of current Sales each day to reach Optimal Labor performance. 

It is important to note that only Users with certain POS Systems can utilize this feature, and they must have Smart Labor enabled. Contact your CSM or R365 Support for more information.

POS Systems

Only locations with a compatible POS System can enable this feature. Smart Labor must be enabled to view all widgets/graphs. Click here to view the list of compatible POS Systems.

Displaying Real-Time Data

Operations Dashboard 

With Intraday Polling updating Sales and Labor data every 15, 30, or 60 minutes, the Labor Metrics widget and the Hourly Labor Analysis graph on the Operations Dashboard will display accurate, up-to-date data for guidance on optimizing Labor and strengthening your restaurant operations. 

Learn more by viewing the Operations Dashboard training article.

R365 Intelligence

With Intraday Polling updating every 15, 30, or 60 minutes, Dashboards created within R365 Intelligence will display accurate, up-to-date data in the created reports. 

Learn more about R365 Intelligence, here.

Location Settings

The Polling Period will be displayed in the 'POS Integration Settings' tab of the Location record. When Intraday Polling is enabled, the number of Locations with this active feature will be displayed alongside the two options below:

  • Previous Day - This is the default option and will display the Sales and Labor data for the previous day in the Operations Dashboard

  • Current Day (XXX)- This will display what the selected POS is capable of. Options include:

    • Current Day (Not Available) - The POS is not capable of providing current-day data or the integration has not been set up for the current day

    • Current Day (Hourly) - The POS is only capable of hourly updates

    • Current Day (30 minutes) - The POS can only provide updates every half hour

    • Current Day (15 minutes) - The POS is capable of providing updates every 15 minutes. This is the most real-time option available