Training Courses
  • 06 Jun 2024
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Training Courses

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Article summary

The Training Course List is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console.

Training Courses can be created to track Employee training. While Training Courses do not contain content, it is a method of keeping track of Employee registration and completion of external content. Within these courses, Training Classes can be created to further breakdown reoccurring Courses. Click here to view how to create a Training Class.


The Training module will need to first be enabled in APS Payroll. To do so, navigate to the Admin console and click 'HR Options' under 'HR' in the 'AP Online Settings' section.

In the 'HR Setup' window, click the 'Enable the HR Training module' checkbox in the 'Training Module' section to enable Training Courses in APS Payroll. Refresh the browser to begin creating Training Courses!


Navigate to the Training Course module by clicking 'Training Courses' in either the 'HR' menu or the 'HR Options' tile.

Adding a Training Course

The Training Course List window tracks every course created. Courses can be easily added by clicking thebutton, located just above the Training Course List grid.

Course details can be updated by clicking into a chosen course from the Training Course List grid and editing fields as needed. The Course type can either be 'As Needed', for a single course, or 'Recurring', where multiple individual Classes can be added under the Course.

The Course Type field is the only field that becomes locked after the initial save; in order to update this field, the entire course must be deleted and re-entered.

Once completed, ensure to save the course before added Classes or enrolling Employees. To enroll Employees in the course, click '+ Enroll Employee' just below the Course Details to enroll individual Employees or click '+ Bulk Enrollment' to enroll multiple Employees at once.

For more information on this window, view the "Training Courses Overview" video (you must first log in to your APS Payroll account to use this link).

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