Training Classes
  • 06 Jun 2024
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Training Classes

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Article summary

Training Classes can be created from a recurring Training Course. Settings within the Class allow Payroll Admin Users to enroll the necessary Employees and/or enable Employees to sign up individually via eSELFSERVE.

New Training Classes

Training Classes can only be created from within a 'Recurring' Training Course. Once the Course is created and saved, the '+ Add Class' button will appear below the course. When clicked, the 'Class Details & Enrollment' window will open.

As many details about the Class can be entered in this window, but the Date and Status of the Class are the only required fields. Save the Class when completed and click 'Back to Training Course Details' to repeat this process for additional Classes.

Any Courses that were listed as not showing the Training Course online will not enable Employee's to enroll themselves or track their progress in their eSELFSERVE.

Enrolling Employees

Employees can be enrolled easily by a Payroll Admin once a Class is saved. Below the Class Details, a new section will appear where Employees can be enrolled individually or in bulk by clicking 'Enroll Employee' or 'Bulk Enrollment', respectively. Select the desired Employee(s) and click 'Save' to include the Employee details in this new section.

If the Training Course that this Class is listed under allows for Employees to register online, they can do so by clicking the 'Click Here to Sign Up' link under the desired Course(s)/Class(es). All Training History can be viewed underneath the Available Courses listed on the 'Training' tab of their eSELFSERVE portal.

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