Shift Availability Report
  • 31 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Shift Availability Report

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Article summary

The Shift Availability Report provides shift information for the purposes of determining how and when scheduled shifts were assigned to employees. This report can be used to review shifts that were offered for pickup, how long shift were available before being picked up, and to determine if shifts were assigned to employees from other locations.


  1. In the Reports section of the left navigation pane, select My Reports.
    The My Reports screen appears.

  2. At the top of the My Reports screen, select Labor.
    The screen generates a list of reports in alphabetical order.

  3. Locate the Shift Availability Report.

  4. Select Customize to adjust the report parameters and run the report.

Report Parameters




Filter By

A list of all filter categories. Filter categories will vary based by report.



A list of filter options, determined by the 'Filter By' category selected (#1).



First date for which to pull data for the report. The 'Start' and 'End' parameters create the date range for which data is generated. The report then displays data for all dates within the date range, including the start and end dates.



Last date for which to pull data for the report. The 'Start' and 'End' parameters create the date range for which data is generated. The report then displays data for all dates within the date range, including the start and end dates.


Identify Minors

If set to Yes, the word 'Minor' appears next to all employees who are under a certain age.


View options

This section provides options to select, save, edit, or delete a report view.



Generates the report. Click the down arrow to the right of the Run button to export, email, or print the report.

Report Columns

*Select the arrow icon in the column header to change the sort order.



Shift Start Date

Date when the shift started.

Shift Start Time

Time when the shift started.

Shift End Date

Date when the shift ended.

Shift End Time

Time when the shift ended.

Shift Location

Location where the shift was worked.

Job Title

Name of the job worked.

Shift Created

Date/timestamp for when the shift was created in the system.

Last Published

Date/timestamp for when the shift was most recently published.

Last Unpublished

Date/timestamp for when the shift was most recently unpublished.

Employee Name

Employee assigned to work the shift.

Employee ID

Employee ID number as found on the employee record for the employee assigned to the shift.

Non Primary

An entry in this column indicates that the location where the shift was worked is not the employee's primary location.

Assigned By / Approved By

User who scheduled the shift or approved the shift assignment.

Shift Assigned Date/Time

Date/timestamp for when the shift was assigned to the employee.

Fill Method

Method used to assign the shift. Possible entries include:

  • Manager - Shift was assigned by the manager using the Scheduling Calendar.

  • Mobile Swap - Employee traded shift with another employee using the mobile app.

  • Mobile Pickup - Employee picked up the shift using the mobile app.

Shift Avail Time

Amount of time between when the shift was posted and when the employee was assigned to the shift or when the shift was unpublished.

Negative times indicate that the shift was assigned before the shift was last posted.

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. 

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