Employee Schedule Requests

From the R365 App, users can request time off, trade shifts, offer shifts, and claim unassigned or offered shifts.


All scheduling requests can be done from the Schedule screen. Users can navigate to the schedule by tapping the Schedule widget from the mobile dashboard or by tapping 'Schedule' from under 'Scheduling' on the mobile navigation menu.

Mobile Navigation Menu

Schedule Widget

Requesting Time Off

In the event that an employee needs to request time off, they can submit time off requests via the R365 app. These requests will then be submitted to management for approval. Once approved, the requested dates will be blocked off on their schedule. To learn about how to request time off, click here.

Trading Shifts

Employees can use the R365 app to trade shifts with other employees. To learn more about how to trade shifts, click here.

Offering and Claiming Shifts

Using the app, employees can offer up shifts for other employees to claim. Offered shifts and unassigned shifts can then be claimed by other employees. To learn about offering and claiming shifts, click here.

Weekly Availability

From the R365 App, employees can edit their weekly hours of availability. Once approved by a manager, the employee's weekly availability will reflect on their schedule. To learn about editing weekly availability, click here.