  • 08 Jul 2024
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Article summary

Access System Preferences to adjust various system-wide settings, including settings related to accounts, locations, email automation, POS integration, and reporting. Any changes made in System Preferences are effective immediately after saving the page.


The permissions listed here are associated with System Preferences. These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. Learn more about managing permissions and custom user roles here.

System Preference permissions are found in the permission tree as follows:

  • Administration

    • System Setup

      • System Preferences

        • View/Edit Payments Contact

        • View/Edit AP Processing Email Settings

        • View/Edit Organization Structure

        • View/Edit Organization Structure

        • View/Edit System Account Selections

        • View/Edit Miscellaneous Preferences

        • View/Edit Location Additional Info

        • Location Reporting Categories

          • View/Edit Location Reporting Categories

          • Edit Location Category Values

          • Create Location Category Values

          • Delete Location Category Values

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.


Hover over Administration in the top ribbon and select Preferences.

Accounts tab

On the Accounts tab, users can configure accounts to automatically populate account-related fields throughout R365. The values provided in these settings will be used as the default accounts throughout the system.

Location Reporting Categories tab

System-wide custom reporting categories can be created on this tab, and then assigned on each Location record. For more information, see System Preferences: Location Reporting Categories.

Organization Structure tab

The Organization Structure tab is used to define and manage the hierarchical structure of your business. This structure is crucial for reporting, operational efficiency, and managing financial data in custom financial reports.

This tab is available only when the Custom Financial Reports feature is enabled.

AP Processing Email tab

Restaurant365 can monitor a specified email address for automatic imports of AP transactions. For more information, see AP Processing Email tab.

Miscellaneous tab

The Miscellaneous tab contains several different settings that will affect multiple features in Restaurant365. Check out POS Integration Settings for more details about configuring point of sale integrations from the Miscellaneous tab.

Location Additional Info tab

Additional identifiers for your restaurant locations (such as vendor location IDs) can be created on this tab. These identifiers can then be assigned on the Additional Info tab of the Location record. For more information, see Location Additional Info tab.

Payments tab

The Payments tab displays the status of R365 Payments and which users will be contacted if any issues arise with R365 Payments.

This tab is available only when R365 Payments is enabled. For more information, see Payments tab and R365 Payments.

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