Payment Disbursements Export
  • 05 Jul 2024
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Payment Disbursements Export

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Article summary

The Payment Disbursements Export uses previous check run information to display the payments made and the details attached to those payments. This export is beneficial in reviewing information tied to check runs and saving this information for personal records.


To navigate to the Payment Disbursements Export, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left pane and select 'Banking' in the top header of the reporting window. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown.

Find 'Payment Disbursements Export' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up the Report Parameters that can be used to define your export.

Report Parameters

  1. Check Run - A listing of all check runs

  2. Download Button - Downloads the report

Click here to learn more about Report Views and their added functionality.

Report Columns

  1. Financial Institution ID - The ID number associated with the bank

  2. Bank Account Type - The type of bank account used (Checking, ZBA (Zero Balance Account), or Savings)

  3. Bank Routing Number - The routing number for the bank account used

  4. Bank Account Number - The account number for the bank account used

  5. Bank Account ID - The ID number associated with the bank account

  6. Bank Account Name - The name of the bank used

  7. GL Account Name- The name of the bank account used

  8. Legal Entity Name - The Legal Entity that owns this bank account

  9. Legal Entity ID - The number associated with the Legal Entity ID

  10. Legal Entity Tax ID - The Tax ID associated with the Legal Entity

  11. File Date - The date this payment was issued

  12. Transaction ID - The date and time this report was ran

  13. Amount - The amount paid

  14. Location ID - The ID number associated with the restaurant Location that made this payment

  15. Location Name - The name of the restaurant Location that made this payment

  16. Invoice Numbers - The invoice numbers associated with this payment

  17. Invoice Dates - The dates on these invoices 

  18. Invoice Amounts -The amounts on the invoices

  19. Invoice Totals - The total amount from all invoices

  20. Invoice Descriptions - These descriptions include the transaction type, the Vendor name, and the invoice number

  21. Invoice Image URL - If an invoice has a hyperlink and is viewable, it will be entered here 

  22. Check Number - The number of the check used for payment

  23. Vendor ID - The ID number associated with the Vendor

  24. Vendor Number - The number associated with the Vendor that received the payment

  25. Vendor Name - The name of the Vendor that received the payment

  26. Vendor Address Line 1 - The Vendor's street address

  27. Vendor Address Line 2 - An additional line used for a unit number

  28. Vendor City - The city of the Vendor Location

  29. Vendor State - The state of the Vendor Location

  30. Vendor Zip - The zip code of the Vendor Location

  31. Vendor Email - An email address associated with a Person of Contact at the Vendor Location

  32. Vendor Bank Account Number - The account number for the Vendor's bank account 

  33. Vendor Bank Routing Number - The routing number for the Vendor's bank account 

  34. Vendor Bank Account Type - The type of bank account the Vendor uses (Checking, ZBA (Zero Balance Account), or Savings)

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