This is a part of the Manager Tools feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release.

Request Cutoffs set the day and time limitations by which Employees can submit Time Off Requests. From the 'Request Cutoffs' tab of the Manager Tools page, an autogenerated Request Cutoff is listed for each Location. Users with the necessary security access can edit and update these records to match the Time Off policy set for each Restaurant Location.
When the max amount of Time Off Requests are submitted, any request submitted after that will be auto-denied, and the Employee will receive an error message. However, Managers can override an auto-denial by approving requests via the Manager Queue. It is important to note that Pending Requests will not be counted towards the Total Approved Requests Allowed set for the Location.
Auto-generated Request Cutoffs will not be put in use until edited and saved. If a Location updates a Request Cutoff and then later determines to not have a cutoff put in place, reset the settings by clicking 'Clear Settings' within the desired Location's Request Cutoff and save the record.
Edit an Request Cutoff
Since Request Cutoffs are auto-generated for each Location, Users will not have the option to create a Request Cutoff. Users can update the existing Request Cutoff record by double-clicking the record from the 'Request Cutoffs' tab, making changes to the Cutoff Settings, and saving the record.
Notify your staff about the Request Cutoff Settings selected to ensure that all Employees submit requests in a timely manner.

Rule Type - The day in which Requests must be submitted by. Options include:
Weekday Prior to Start of Schedule- When selected, the User will need to select the day of the week that requests should be submitted by
Example: If a Request Cutoff is set to Thursday and the Cutoff Time (#2) is set to 5 pm, requests will be accepted up until that day and time for the following week. Requests made at 5:01 pm or later will be auto-denied
Number of Days Prior to Start of Schedule- When selected, the User will need to enter in the amount of days prior to the start of the Schedule that requests should be submitted by
Example: If a Request Cutoff is set to 10 days prior to the Start of the Schedule and the Cutoff Time (#2) is set to 5 pm, when the Start of the Schedule is on Monday, then requests will be accepted until 10 days before that Monday at 5 PM. Requests made at 5:01 pm or later will be auto-denied
Cutoff Time - The time by which Requests need to be submitted by
The Time Zone is based on the entry made in the Location record, not based on the Time Zone that the mobile device is in
Max Approved Requests Allowed - The time period for which the max amount of requests (#4) can be made. Options include:
Daily - Only the max amount of Time Off Requests (#4) can be accepted per day
Weekly - Only the max amount of Time Off Requests (#4) can be accepted per week
Total Approved Requests Allowed - The max amount of Time off Requests that can be approved per day or week. If more requests than the listed amount are made, those requests will be auto-denied. However, if an Employee is submitting a Time Off request after the max requests are approved for the time period, a Manager can override the Request Cutoff cap via the Manager Queue
Pending requests are not counted towards this cap total
Clear Settings - This will reset all Settings back to their default options, which enables Employees to submit requests at any time for
Save - This will save the Request Cutoff and put it in use for that Location
Full Screen - This will expand the modal to full screen. Clicking the minimize icon in its place will return the modal back to its original size
Close - This will close the modal without saving