Logbook: Default Logbook

This is a part of the Logbook feature of the New Manager Log. Click here to learn more about the Logbook feature.

All Locations will be automatically assigned to R365's Default Logbook when the New Manager Log is enabled for your database. This allows Users to enter Log Entries on day one without the need to set up custom Logbooks first. Default Logbooks are system-generated and cannot be edited. Any new Locations added to your instance will be assigned to this Logbook initially but can be assigned to a custom Logbook as needed.

Custom Logbooks can be created by Manager Log Admins to better target a restaurant's needs. Enabling or disabling specific categories, choosing relevant tags, and updating category descriptions and requirements are among the many aspects that can be better framed based on one or more restaurant Locations.

Learn more about Logbook details here.