Fiscal Years Page

The Fiscal Years page displays all configured fiscal years in Restaurant365. Users can view and access the fiscal and operational period structures, along with their start and end dates, for each legal entity.

Users can customize their view by changing the column order and showing or hiding certain columns. To find specific fiscal years, users can filter for specific information. Once a view is customized, users can save the view. This allows users to quickly view the information that they deem to be most valuable for their organization. Users can edit and save views. To learn more about working with views, click here.


Fiscal Years can be accessed in the accounting application.
In the left navigation menu, under Administration, click Fiscal Years.


Below is a list of all columns available to add to the grid view:




The system-generated fiscal year name, which combines the year and the legal entity name for easy identification.

Legal Entity

Legal entity associated with the fiscal year.


The specific year associated with the fiscal year.

Each legal entity can only have one fiscal year for each calendar year.

Fiscal Year Period Structure

Displays the selected structure for the fiscal/financial calendar.

Start Date

Displays the start date for the fiscal year period structure.

End Date

Displays the end date for the fiscal year period structure.

Fiscal and Operational Year

Yes - Displayed when Fiscal and Operational Combined is checked on the fiscal period setup.

No - Displayed when Fiscal and Operational Combined is not checked on the fiscal period setup.

Learn more about the fiscal and operational combined setting.

Operation Year Period Structure

Displays the selected structure for the operational calendar.

Operational Year Start Date

Displays the start date for the operational year period structure.

Operational Year End Date

Displays the end date for the operational year period structure.

Created By

Displays the name of the user who created the fiscal year in Restaurant365.

Created On

Date when the fiscal year was created.

Modified By

Name of the user who last updated the fiscal year.

Modified On

Date when the fiscal year was most recently updated.