

Certification Tracking is used to record and monitor the expiration dates of certifications that are required for the jobs that an employee works, such as a driver's license or ServSafe certificate. 

Each certification requirement that is tracked is defined as a certification type on the Labor Rules page. The certification type defines the name of the certification requirement and when notifications for expired certifications are sent. 

Certifications held by an employee are tracked by assigning the associated certification type on the Certifications tab of their employee record. Employees can have multiple instances of the same certification type if they hold more than one certification of that type. Expiration notifications will be sent for each certification that they hold. Learn more about assigning certifications to employees here

Supporting documentation can be uploaded in the details of the certification assigned to the employee. Up to 10 files can be uploaded per certification. 

Key Terms




An official document attesting that the employee has passed the requirements set by the issuing agency. Associated with a single employee and may have an expiration date.

Certification Type

R365 name for a certification requirement or program.

Certification Issuing Agency

Agency or certification program that issued the certification to the employee.

Certification Number

Number associated with the certification issued to the employee, such as a driver's license number.

Certification Issuing Date

Date the certification was issued to the employee.

Certification Expiration Date

Date that the certification issued to the employee will expire. This is the date used for notifications.

Certifications Pages and Tabs

Labor Rules Page - Certifications Tab

On the Certifications tab of the Labor Rules page, users can view, edit, and create certification types.

Workforce Employee Record - Certifications Tab

On the Certifications tab of an employee's employee record, users can view, edit, and assign the employee's certifications. 


Employee Certification Report

The Employee Certification Report lists all certifications for active and separated employees, including the associated certification status, expiration date, and notes.

Setup & Related Areas

Certification Types

Each certification type must be configured on the Labor Rules page before associated certifications can be assigned to employees. Learn more about creating certification types here

Department Records

Only the 'Managers' assigned on department records can receive certification expiration notifications. When notifications are configured to be sent to department managers, a notification is sent to all of the department managers assigned to any of the departments associated with the employee's jobs.