Bank Activity: Create AP Payment from Bank Activity
  • 13 Jun 2024
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Bank Activity: Create AP Payment from Bank Activity

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Article summary

If Bank Activity pulls in a withdrawal that does not match any existing payment in R365, an AP Payment can be created using the information gathered from the bank.

Only users with the following permission(s) can create an AP Payment from Bank Activity:

  • Accounts Payable → AP Payments → Create Manual AP Payments

  • Accounts Payable → AP Payments → Approve AP Payments

Navigate to Bank Activity.

On either the Unmatched tab or the Rule Applied tab, locate the bank withdrawal from which to create a payment.

In the row for the withdrawal, select the AP Payment button.
The AP Payment Record opens in a side sheet.

The following fields are automatically completed using the information from the bank activity:

  • Checking Account

  • Location (default location for the bank account)

  • Amount

  • Date

  • Vendor (if available)

  • Comment (if available)

Complete the remaining fields and select the invoices to pay in the Apply section of the AP Payment Record.

Select Create Payments to save the AP Payment Record.
The payment is created.

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