Form 8027 Page
  • 05 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Form 8027 Page

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Article summary

This article reviews the Form 8027 page. Here, users can generate, view, edit, and delete Form 8027 reports.


First, navigate to Workforce. 

In the left navigation menu, click Form 8027 under Reports to open the Form 8027 page.


The permissions listed here are associated with the Form 8027 page. These permissions can be added to custom user roles or single users. Learn more about managing permissions and custom user roles here.

Payroll → Workforce Payroll → Reports → Form 8027 → 

  • View Form 8027

  • Edit Form 8027

The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned.

Learn more about user setup and security here.

Form 8027 Page Buttons and Fields



Sales Account Categories

POS sales categories that are associated with service charges of less than 10% that are paid to employees as wages.

Sales category selections are saved and will be used for all generated reports at all locations.

Please refer to the IRS Form 8027 instructions ( for additional information. 

Generate New Form

Click to generate a new 8027 report for a desired location and year.

If an 8027 report already exists for the desired location and year, that report will be replaced when a new one is generated.

Create Electronic File Button

Click to create electronic file(s) with details from the selected reports (#7).

One electronic file will be created for each legal entity associated with the selected reports.

This button is disabled when no reports are selected.


Filters the grid for reports where the Location and/or Created By columns contain the entered text.

Smart Grid Controls

- Filter column information.

 - Refresh the grid.

8027 Report

8027 report generated for a specific location and year. Click to view and/or edit report details. Learn more about generating and editing the 8027 report here.

Reports that have a status of 'Completed' cannot be edited.

Bulk Select Checkbox

Click to select a report to include when creating an electronic file (#3).

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete the associated report.

Action Menu

Contains the following actions for the associated report:

Mark Complete - Click to change the report status to 'Completed'.

This option is only displayed for reports in the 'Generated' status.

Mark Not Complete - Click to change the report status to 'Generated'.

This option is only displayed for reports in the 'Completed' status.

Form 8027 Grid Columns




Date and time report was generated.


Location associated with the report.


Year associated with the sales and tip data in the report.

Created By

User who generated the report.


Generating - Report is being created.

Generated - Report is created and is open for editing.

Completed - Report has been marked as submitted and has been locked from editing.

Errored - There was a problem generating the report. Delete the report and regenerate it. If the problem persists, please contact R365 Support.

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