Import Payroll Payments
  • 29 Jun 2024
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Import Payroll Payments

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Article summary

This article reviews the Payment Upload Template, which is used to import hours and earnings to Pay Runs within Workforce.

Downloading the Payment Upload Template

To download the Payment Upload Template, click 'Import' on the Payroll Overview page

The Import Payment tool will open.

  1. Enter the last date of the desired Pay Run. This date will auto-populate on the downloaded template, and determines which Pay Run the entries are imported to.

    Import entries are imported to the pay run for the date associated with them.

  2. Click 'Download template' to download the Payment Upload Template as a .xlsx file.

The downloaded Payment Upload Template will already be populated with Employee details.

Payment Upload Template

Template Prep

In order for the upload template to successfully import, certain rows must be deleted: 

  1. Remove Row 1

    The first row of the downloaded template contains instructions for the template. This row must be removed in order for the template to successfully import.

  2. Remove Unneeded Employees

    Each row of the Payment Upload Template must contain an Earning Type (column H). Any Employees on the downloaded template that do not have earnings to upload must be removed. Employees with blank earning information will cause the import to fail.

Importing Multiple Earning Types For a Single Employee

To import multiple Earning Types for an Employee, add additional rows with the same information for columns A-E

Template Columns

The Payment Upload Template contains the following columns:

Column Title




Worker ID

Unique identifier for the Employee


These columns are pre-populated with the information for Employees within the Pay Run.


First Name

Employee's first name


Last Name

Employee's last name


Full Name

Employee's full name



Date associated with the Earning


Dates will be pre-populated with the date entered when downloading. Earnings will be Imported to the Pay Run associated with this date.



Location associated with the Employee's earnings


The Location must be associated with the Employee on their Employee Record


Job Title

Job associated with the Employee's earnings


The Job must be associated with the Employee on their Employee Record


Earning Type

Earning Type for the Payment


The following Earning Types can be used, and must be entered exactly as listed:

  • Regular

  • Overtime

  • DoubleOvertime

  • Tips

  • Previously Paid Tips

  • Regular Salary

  • Break Penalty

  • Split Penalty

  • Clopening Penalty

  • Tip Credit

  • Vacation

  • Sick

  • Bereavement

  • Service Charge

  • Bonus

  • Reimbursement

  • Advance

  • Commission

  • Holiday

  • Additional Holiday

  • Loan

  • Per Diem

  • PTO

  • Contractor

  • Separation

  • Retro Pay

'Tip' is used for tips still owed to the Employee. 'Previously Paid Tips' is used for tips that have been previously paid.


Pay Rate

Pay rate associated with hours

Used for reporting the associated pay rate on paystubs.

Required for Earning Types:

  • Regular

  • Overtime

  • DoubleOvertime

  • Regular Salary

  • Vacation

  • Sick

  • Bereavement

  • Holiday

  • Additional Holiday

  • PTO

  • Retro Pay

Does not impact the amount of the Payment.



Hours worked

Used for reporting the associated hours on paystubs.

Required for Earning Types:

  • Regular

  • Overtime

  • DoubleOvertime

Does not impact the amount of the Payment



Amount of Earning




Comments regarding the Earning



Columns M-Z are reserved for One-Time Deductions

Learn more about importing One-Time Deductions here.

Uploading the Payment Upload Template

Once the Payment Upload Template has been filled out and saved as either a .xlsx or .csv file, it can be uploaded to the Pay Run. 

From the Payroll Overview page, click the 'Import' button. 

The Payment Import tool will open. Either drag and drop the completed Payment Upload Template into the upload area or click 'locate the file' to browse for the file. 

Click 'Import' to import the selected Payment Upload Template

Import Errors

When a Payment Upload Template is imported, only the details for rows without errors will be imported. If one or more rows contain missing or incorrect information, the details of that row will not import and a 'Wages Not Imported' message will be displayed indicating how many rows contained errors. 

To review and correct rows with errors, download the provided error file by clicking 'Download Template'.

The error file will only contain the rows that failed import. Column M will list all of the errors that were found for the associated row. If a row has more than one error, all errors will be listed, separated by commas. 

After correcting the errors, the file can be re-imported. If additional errors are found, a new 'Error' file will be produced.

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