Resume Inventory Counts
  • 29 Jul 2024
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Resume Inventory Counts

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Article summary

Inventory Counts should be entered consistently, but if your restaurant was closed, you may have skipped your End of Month (EOM) Inventory Count. Entering EOM Inventory Counts is crucial to ensure that your COGS is trued up. These counts can be easily replaced by completing one of the following processes:

  • Re-enter your last Inventory Count

  • Complete a new Inventory Count

Re-Enter Your Last Inventory Count

To re-enter your previous Inventory Count, you will need to export it from R365 and then re-import it into the necessary Inventory Count Templates. 

First, open the previously entered Inventory Count.  Once the Inventory Count is open, hover over the menu icon , then select 'Export Count Sheet.'

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This will produce a .csv file that you will then save to your desktop computer.

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Create a new EOM Inventory Count and click 'Review'. Once the header has updated, hover over the menu icon , select 'Import Count Sheet', then select the correct file.

Review the imported count, then 'Approve and Close' the count.

Complete a New Inventory Count

Entering a new Inventory Count provides a fresh count, but will leave your P&L with inflated COGS. Keep this in mind if you choose to simply complete a new count.

Use the necessary Inventory Count Template and enter the new count. For more details on this process, review how to enter an inventory coun.

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