Training (Admin)
  • 11 Sep 2024
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Training (Admin)

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Article summary

At ExpandShare, we approach training differently than traditional learning management systems. We understand that many users only complete the bare minimum and are easily distracted in today's fast paced environment. To combat this, we do not offer a traditional library of courses for learners to choose from. Instead, we tailor specific training content to individual employees only when they need it, such as when they are assigned a new job role or transferred to a new location or department.

This is achieved through direct assignments and automated training distribution.

There are two components you can now access through the admin pages in the app. Content, and learning tracks. Let's take a look at them. Content houses all media, training checklist, and courses, which serve as the building blocks of train Learning tracks are topic based sequences of units from the content section. For example, a learning track can include a course, a training checklist, some media followed by a final course with a quiz. Now that you have a good sense of training with ExpandShare, it's time to start organizing your training assets and content. We are looking forward to seeing where you and ExpandShare will go together.

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