Create a New Location (ExpandShare)
  • 11 Sep 2024
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Create a New Location (ExpandShare)

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Article summary

As an account owner, you can create new locations in ExpandShare.

To create a new location, start by going to the admin panel and selecting organizational structure. Now click the plus sign at the top right of the screen. You will have the option to create either a management level, and this is intended for locations that will have locations within or below them, or create location.

Select its management level, which is the location above it in the hierarchy. Give it a name, and optionally you can add the location details and opening date. It’s worth noting that giving the location an address will set the location’s timezone automatically. This is critical for checklist due times to be accurate for your location. By default, these run on Eastern time. Then click create.

You may receive a notification addressing potential changes to your subscription or billing. Please feel free to reach out to expand your support. If you have any questions related to this. This is how you can create a new location and ExpandShare.

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