Repoll or Reprocess Supplyit Invoices
  • 03 Dec 2024
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Repoll or Reprocess Supplyit Invoices

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Article summary

This article is part of Supplyit integration and covers the how to repoll or reprocess invoices.

The repoll and reprocess tools are found on the Supplyit integration sidesheet, which can be accessed by clicking view button from the integration edit mode. This tool allows users to repoll or reprocess invoices. Repolling allows the user to refresh the data for the selected invoices. Reprocessing allows the user to create new records for the selected invoices.

In Beta
This feature is in beta. Contact your CSM to learn more.

Repoll or Reprocess Supplyit Invoices

Follow these steps to repoll or reprocess Supplyit invoices:

Click steps to expand for additional information and images.

1) Navigate to Smart Ops or Workforce in R365.

2) Click your username in the upper right corner of the screen then select integrations.

3) Locate Supplyit.

 Users can scroll or use the search bar to find the desired integration.

4) Click edit in the Supplyit box.

5) Click the view icon for the desired connection to open the Supplyit integration sidesheet.

6) Enter the date range for the invoices to be reprocessed or repolled.

Users enter the start and end date in the date selector.

7) Select one or more locations from the location dropdown.

8) Click the get invoices button.

The invoices that fit the selected criteria will display in the table.

9) Use the checkbox to select the transactions to be reprocessed or repolled.

10) Click preferred option: repoll all selected or reprocess all selected.

Repoll: Re-retrieves invoices from the vendor for all transactions selected in the table.

Reprocess: Reprocesses or refreshes the data in the existing invoice without creating additional transactions for all transactions selected in the table.

11) For repolled transactions, select whether to delete the existing transaction or create a duplicate.

Approved invoices cannot be deleted.

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