Applicants Listing
  • 30 Jun 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Applicants Listing

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Article summary

The Applicants listing includes all Applicants, the Job they applied for, the Location, their current hiring status, and more. Clicking on an Applicant's name will display a more detailed look into their Application details, allowing for any necessary actions to be taken. Multiple filters on this listing enable a quick search for the desired Applicant, regardless of the amount of Applicants included in the listing.

The Applicants listing is located in the Recruiting module, which can be opened by clicking the Restaurant365 logo in the top ribbon.

Applicants Listing

To navigate to the Applicants listing, click 'Applicants' in the top ribbon. The following screen will appear.

  1. Create New Applicant - This will enable the User to create a new Applicant

  2. All Jobs Filter - This will filter the grid based on the Jobs selected

  3. All Locations Filter - This will filter the gird based on the Location selected

  4. Applicant Types - This will filter the Applicants by their Applicant Type. Options include:

    • All

    • Active

    • Disqualified

    • Hired

    • Pipeline (Considered for a future job opening)

    • Inactive

  5. Search Bar - This will filter the Applicants by the search term entered

  6. Sort By - This will sort the grid based on one of the following options:

    • Date Applied

    • Name

    • Applied For

    • Prescreen Score

  7. Sort Order - This will sort the grid by the Sort By (#6) selection in either ascending or descending order

  8. Applicant Type Selections - This row displays the Applicant Types that are selected. Users can click the 'x' icon to remove the selection

  9. Application Selection / Bulk Actions - Clicking the desired check boxes will display the 'Bulk Actions' Pane, where actions can be taken in bulk for the selected Applicants. Options include:

    • Deactivate - Mark the Applicant as inactive and send him/her an optional rejection letter

    • Transfer - Transfer the Applicant to another job

    • Invite - Send the Applicant an email inviting them to an interview

  10. Favorite - This will mark the Applicant as a favorite

  11. Prescreened Results - This box will display the score of the Applicant based on his/her responses to the prescreening questions

    Applicants that are disqualified by their answers from the Prescreening Questions will be listed under the 'Inactive' Applicant Type tab

  12. Name - The name of the Applicant. Clicking this will open the details of their application that can be modified as needed by the User. Clicking 'Quick Look' will enable a pop-up modal that displays the Applicant's resume

    Applicants who are Fast Tracked will be marked with next to their name. Applicants receive this status based on their answers to the Prescreened Questions

  13. Applied For - The position that the Applicant applied for

  14. Job Location - The Location of the Job

  15. Current Step - The step that the Applicant is currently on in the Hiring Process

  16. Actions - A quick and actionable button that reflects the actions needed for the Applicant's current Hiring Step. A User can click one of the options listed to easily transition the Candidate into the next step without having to open their file 

  17. Show # Items - This will dictate how many Applicant rows are displayed on a page 

  18. Advance to the Next Step - This will advance the Applicant to the next step

  19. Deactivate - This will remove an Applicant from consideration. Once clicked, a 'Deactivating' sidesheet will open, where the reason, comment, and optional rejection letter can be entered

    Deactivating an Applicant will move the Applicant to the 'Inactive' Applicant Type tab.

  20. Contact Applicant - This will open a modal where the Applicant can be contacted via text message or email, based on the phone number and email address that the Applicant entered on their application. Click here to learn more about Contacting an Applicant

  21. Applicant Menu - This menu allows the User to complete any of the following actions for individual Applicants:

    • View Profile - View their Profile, which includes their Application details and the details about their Hiring Steps, among others

    • Move to Pipeline - Save the Applicants for a future position but remove them from the visible applicants screen

    • Add Comment - Include comments on the Applicant's Profile

    • Share - Share the Applicant with a coworker or another hiring manager

    • Transfer to another job - Transfer the Applicant to another job

  22. Filters Pane - This pane will filter the Applicants listing based on the selected criteria 

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