Managing ExpandShare Users
  • 11 Sep 2024
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Managing ExpandShare Users

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Admin Levels Explained

On ExpandShare, there are a few types of admins.

For starters, there is the account owner. This is the main point of contact for our team regarding changes made to the account. This admin can change the name of the site and logo, and this admin is responsible for setting the role based permissions.

Company admins are the admins that can manage all other aspects of the site, including but not limited to, training, checklist, news feed, user management, and porting, just to name a few. These admins have almost full control over the ExpandShare site minus the permissions previously mentioned for account Finally, there is the location manager. This can vary from all permissions being attached to their role or a single permission giving them access to something like location dashboard reporting or user management.

Location Managers

What is a location Manager?? Well, in ExpandShare, this refers to a managerial role with all of these role based permissions enabled.

These managers have the ability to perform functions like manage users at their locations, post on the news feed with their locations as the audience, view their locations and all associated report in the location tab, sign off other users training checklists, though, note that the roles they can do this for will vary depending on your setup. Ideally, this is for all roles below them, and assign training to individual users that has been set assignable by the company admins. This could include ad hoc training the manager finds necessary for select users.

Managing Users as a Location Manager

Managing Users

Inviting Users

Re-Inviting Users

As a manager of a location, you can view all the users in your location from the location tab. Sometimes, newer users may miss or forget about their email invite to expand share. You have the option to resend this invite. From within the location tab, scroll down and click the member section.

This will pull up a list of all users in this location. Any user that has not yet accepted their invite will show an invited tag next to their name, clicking into their profile, then clicking the three dots at the top right of the screen, you can select the invite option. This will send the user a fresh invite to their expand share account, and you will see a confirmation at the top of the screen showing the invite has been sent to this user's email. It's also best practice to remind these individuals whenever you can as invites do expire.

This is how you can ensure your users gain access to expand share.

Unarchive Users

As a location manager, you can unarchive or restore users that were previously in your location.

To a user that has been archived in ExpandShare, start by going to the location tab.

Click the search icon at the top right of the screen, click this drop down and select archived.

Search for the user by name, and their profile will show up. Click on their name to be brought to their profile.

Clicking the three dots at the top right of the screen presents multiple options, and selecting an archive user will make this account accessible again.

Managing Users as a Company Admin

Managing Users

Invite Users

Re-invite Users

As a company admin, you have the ability to check your site for any users that have not yet accepted their invite. To do this, start by clicking on add From here, click team. We have a filter that we can select titled invited. This will display all the users that have been invited but have not accepted their invite yet into ExpandShare.

Clicking the three dots, you can select the reinvite option. This will send the user a fresh invite to ExpandShare, and you will see a confirmation at the top of the screen showing invite has been sent to this user's email. It's also best practice to remind these whenever you can, as these invites can expire. This is how you can ensure your users gain access to ExpandShare.

Unarchive Users

As a company admin, you can restore an archived user in multiple ways. We discussed a method in the previous video using the location tab, and in this one, we're going to be navigating through the admin panel. Once in the admin panel, start by clicking on Team. Use the drop down here to filter by archived users. Now type in the name of the user you're looking for, and click their name to open their profile.

Once in their profile, clicking the three dots at the top right of the screen presents multiple options. And selecting an archive user will make this account accessible again.

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