Benefits Administration
  • 06 Jun 2024
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Benefits Administration

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Article summary

Benefits Administration is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console.

The Benefits Administration provides all necessary benefits and coverage information in three distinct views. The Dashboard is the defaulted view, but views can be adjusted in the top, right corner of the window.


To utilize the Benefits Administration to its full extent, the Benefit Plan, Benefit Classifications, and Employees' eSELFSERVE must be set up. Each subsection below explains the basics of these topics. For more information, see the following (note that you must first log in to your APS Payroll account to use these links):

Benefit Plan

For Employees to elect their benefit options, their benefits need to first be posted. To do so, navigate to the Admin Console and click 'Benefits Administration'. This will open the Setup Benefits screen.

  1. Plan Setup - Clicking 'Set Up Benefits Plans' opens the plan setup page where new benefit plans can be created or a previous year's plans can be copied. A copied plan allows for the plan year, company, and coverage rates to be updated, among other items

  2. Open Enrollment - Clicking 'Set Up Open Enrollment' opens a list of previous enrollment periods and the ability to create a new enrollment period

  3. Employee Instructions - Clicking 'Create Employee Instructions' opens a post that will be sent to Employees through their eSELFSERVE and will include instructions for the beginning (Instruction Type: Welcome) or the end (Instruction Type: Completion) of an open enrollment. The selected Instruction Type can be manually edited to better reflect your organization

  4. New Hire Enrollment - Clicking 'New Hire Enrollment' allows the User to configure a new hire enrollment period where, after a number of selected days (default set to 90 days), the Employee will be allowed to enroll in their benefits

  5. Employee Confirmation Statements - Clicking 'Edit Confirmation Statements' allows the User to edit the Pending and Current Benefits Confirmation Statements, which will be posted before the listed document section

Benefit Classifications

Benefit Classifications are used to determine the rate and plan availability for each Employee. These must be set up and assigned to Employees so that they can then enroll in a benefit plan.

Begin by navigating to 'Employee Select Lists' under 'Options' in the Admin Console. On the following window, select 'Edit Benefit Classifications' under 'Employee Details' to open the Benefit Classifications modal.

Create new classifications by clicking '+ Add Option' and entering in the name of the Benefit Classification. Classifications can also be edited through this modal by clicking the desired line item and updating the name.

Employee records will then need to be updated to include the correct classification. To do so, open the first Employee record and update the 'Benefits Classification' selector on the 'Details' tab. Repeat this process for all Employees.

Employees' eSELFSERVE

Employees must have their Employee record created to then provide them access to eSELFSERVE. If Employee records have not been created yet, view the Add Employee article to learn how to create Employee records in APS Payroll.


To open the Benefits Administration window, click 'Benefits Administration' either in the 'HR' menu or the 'HR Options' tile.

Benefits Administration Window

  1. Pending Items and Deductions - Both of these pending alerts list updates in their respective areas for all plans, which can be approved or denied by clicking into the alert itself

  2. Benefit Confirmation Statements - This provides a modal that will allow the User to view either the Pending or Current Benefit Confirmation Statements. To edit this statement, return to the Benefit Plan Prerequisite listed above

  3. Manage Individual Enrollments - This navigates the User to view individual enrollments by Employee. Review the Manage Individual Enrollments article for more information

  4. View - This adjusts the view to display one of the following:

    1. Dashboard - Displays the benefit plan information and the amount of Employee enrollments

    2. Reconcile - Shows the amount of total premiums owed and the amount withheld from Employees for the selected month

    3. Comparison - Lists the scheduled amount of total premiums and deductions for both Employee and Employer

  5. Plan Year - This lists all years that Benefit Plans were offered. Select the desired year to view

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