BAI File Transmission
  • 12 Jun 2024
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BAI File Transmission

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Article summary

BAI File Transmission is one of three ways that Bank Activity can be updated. Click here to learn more about Bank Activity Update Options.

BAI File Transmission allows R365 to directly connect with your bank so that your financial data is automatically pulled into your R365 system daily without any User intervention. This is done through the use of BAI (Bank Administration Institute) files, a common format used by most banks to keep their financial data secure.

Establishing a connection between your bank and R365 will require authorization from your Organization to your bank, authorizing the bank to send your financial data to R365 over a secure connection. This can be as simple as signing a document from your bank, but may also require additional security measures, such as an FTP folder setup along with credentials provided by the bank that will need to be shared with R365.

When setup is complete, your bank will then provide daily files through its secure connection, and R365 will receive and process the files in your R365 instance. Then, when navigating to Bank Activity, all banking information will be immediately displayed without any User interaction.

R365 will not bill for any additional fees; however, your bank may include some fees from their end. Contact your Treasury Bank Account Manager to learn about any of their fees that may be associated with this feature.

Request a New BAI File Transmission 

To request a new BAI File Transmission, ensure to complete the following steps below:

  1. Speak with someone in the Treasury Management Department of your bank

    R365 will have to complete additional steps when connecting to a new bank, so please include R365 Support in those discussions

  2. Give the bank written consent that R365 can have access to your Organization's BAI files

  3. Provide R365 the necessary connection information (typically username and password)

The R365 Integration Support team will then configure the setup for BAI files to be retrieved daily. This data will automatically pull into R365 immediately or the following day, depending on when files are sent.

If this is the first time that R365 is connecting to this bank, this process may take 2-8 weeks depending on the bank. R365 is not responsible for any bank's process timing on setup or file availability. 

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