Split Unit of Measures exist on the Vendor Item record for the purpose of EDI integrations. In the event of Split Cases on non-EDI Vendors, the correct U of M could be manually selected on the AP Invoice screen.
When a Vendor Invoice is imported via EDI and the Vendor file has a Split Indicator, the EDI process can read and detect that the line item is a 'Split' case. This capability exists for the following Vendors:
US Food Service
R365 Multi-Invoice
The Vendor will prepare the invoice file with the split indicators in place. To utilize the correct Split U of Ms via Vendor invoice import, a User would need to update the Vendor Item record to include the desired Split U of M. Upon saving the record, the Split U of M will be substituted on future invoices when the split indicator is present on the respective invoice line item.
Split Indicators
Below are descriptions of Vendor-Specific Split Indicators and instructions on how to locate and review Vendor Invoice files in the FTP folder. Click here for more information on accessing the FTP Folder.
Open the FTP site via your preferred FTP Client and navigate to the APImports/R365/Processed folder
Locate and copy a Sysco invoice file (###_AAA_################.csv naming convention) to your desktop. Open the file with your preferred spreadsheet application and locate the DET rows (row type is identified in column F).
For any DET row, if the value in column I is > 0, then the line item will be identified as a Split. The import will substitute the Purchase U of M on the Vendor Item record for the Split U of M located on the same Vendor Item record.
US Foods
Open the FTP site via your preferred FTP Client and navigate to the APImports/usfoods/Processed folder
Locate and copy a US Foods invoice file (USF_CUST_AAAAAAAA_YYYYMMDD##########.inv naming convention) to your desktop. Open the file with your preferred Notepad application (Notepad on Windows, Textedit on Mac). Windows may try to default to using the 'Wordpad' application. If so, right click on the file and select 'Open With' then select 'Notepad'.
Locating the column that represents the Split is more challenging on the US Foods invoice file as there are no columns, only '~' separating data.
Locate the first row by the row identifier '1~' in the farthest left position of the line. Scroll to the right following this line until the Street address is located following a '~'. In between the Street and City columns (separated by '~') the U of M information will be present on the '2~' (detail) lines on the invoice as indicated in the image below. For each '2~' (detail) line that has the value of 'EA' before and after the U of M tildes (for example: '~EA~') that indicates that a Split case will be used.
The import will disregard the Purchase U of M on the Vendor Item record and use the Split U of M located on the same Vendor Item record.
R365 Multi-Invoice
Open the FTP site via your preferred FTP Client and navigate to the APImports/R365/Processed folder
Locate and copy a Vendor invoice file that utilizes the R365 Multi-Invoice format to your desktop. Open the file with your preferred spreadsheet application and locate the "Break Flag" column (column K).
If the value in column K = "Y", then the line item will be identified as a Split. The import will substitute the Purchase U of M on the Vendor Item record for the Split U of M located on the same Vendor Item record.
Open the FTP site via your preferred FTP Client and navigate to the APImports/R365/Processed folder
Locate and copy a Fintech Invoice (typical naming convention = LocationNameDateStamp) format to your desktop. Open the file with your preferred spreadsheet application and locate the "Split" column (column AI).
If the value in column AI = "Y", then the line item will be identified as a Split. The import will substitute the Purchase U of M on the Vendor Item record for the Split U of M located on the same Vendor Item record.