Profit and Loss - Layout Format
  • 04 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Profit and Loss - Layout Format

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Article summary

The P&L - Layout Format Report allows the User to edit the layout of the P&L directly from this report by drilling into the GL Types and GL Accounts. A User can then review this format to ensure it is providing the most beneficial layout for his/her Organization.

The following areas can be edited through the Profit and Loss - Layout Format report:


To navigate to the Profit and Loss - Layout Format Report, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left pane and then select 'Financial' in the top header of the reporting window. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown. 

Find 'Profit and Loss - Layout Format'. Because there are no Report Parameters, a User can either click 'Run' or 'Customize' and then 'Run' in the next window to create your report.

Edit Layout

Different aspects of the P&L, such as the Running Totals, Percentage Of settings, and GL Account Remapping, can always be readjusted to better display your Organization's data. 

Running Totals

To add a Running total, click the last GL Account that you want included for the Running Total to open its GL Account record.

When the GL Account record opens, navigate to the 'Report Settings' tab and check the 'Show Running Total' checkbox. Additional fields will appear where you will fill out the necessary information. In the example above, all GL Accounts mapped as child accounts of 4110 Food Sales were used to calculate the Running Total. For more information on these fields, click here to view their descriptions

Creating a Running Total helps to keep your P&L categorized by different kinds of Sales through parent-child GL Accounts.

Percentage Of Settings

Adjusting the 'Percent Of' Settings can determine whether the '% Based On' column will display no percentage, percentage of the GL Type, or percentage of the GL Account. Click here to view descriptions of these options

GL Account Remapping

Remap GL Accounts that were connected with the wrong GL Type or that should be connected to a different GL Type by clicking the GL Account within the report. 

When the GL Account record opens, update the 'GL Type' field and save the record. Run the report once more to see the updates applied.

Report Columns

  1. GL Accounts and Account Types - A listing of all GL Acccounts and GL Account Types broken down by Parent Account. The 'Guest Check Average' and the 'Guest Count' are included on this report when the 'Metrics' parameter is set to 'Show'

  2. % Based On - The percentage of the Income or Expense based on the listed GL Account

  3. Visibility - Either visible or hidden on the P&L Report

  4. Ops Rpt Category - The Operational Reports Category listed for that GL Account

  5. Sort Order - The Account Numbers tied to the GL Accounts

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.

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