Fixed Labor

This article is part of the Labor Matrix on the Labor Rules page. 

The Fixed Labor subtab lists all Jobs for the selected Location that have been defined as 'Fixed Labor' on the 'General' subtab of the Labor Matrix. Fixed Labor is used for non-service Jobs where the scheduled Labor Hours are consistent every week, and are not based on Sales volume. Examples of Jobs that might be defined as Fixed Labor include salaried managers and admin. 

For each Job listed, the hours per week can be defined. These hours will then be used when forecasting suggested hours. 

Header and Footer

Location Selection

The settings displayed on the Fixed Labor subtab only apply to the selected Location in the header.


The 'Save' button at the bottom of the page will apply any changes made to the subtab. 

Navigating away or changing the Location will open a 'Saving changes' prompt.

Graphical user interface, text, application
Description automatically generated

Fixed Labor Jobs to be Scheduled

  1. Job - Job that has been defined as 'Fixed Labor' on the 'General' subtab

  2. Hours - Hours per week this Job should be scheduled