Budget Defaults on GL Accounts
  • 12 Jun 2024
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Budget Defaults on GL Accounts

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Article summary

The GL Account can have a default budgeted dollar amount set on the GL Account record. This value would then be pre-populated in the 'Set All to Same' field on the Account Detail screen when the Budget is created. By default, 'Budget As' is set to 'Amount', signifying that the selected account will be budgeted as a Dollar Amount. In addition to amount, accounts can be budgeted as: 

  • Percent of GL Account

  • Percent of GL Type

  • Percent of Operational Report Category

When altering the 'Budget As' setting on the Account Detail Screen of the Budget, all current values in the cells of the selected account will be removed. If the Account Details screen has not been saved via 'Save & Close', the User can click 'Cancel' to close the Account Detail screen and then reload the Account Details screen to restore the current values. If the Account Detail screen was saved, the values would need to be manually keyed to be restored.

Setting Budget Defaults

Budget Defaults can be set on the GL Account or after creating the Budget on the Account Detail Screen of the Budget. If set on the GL Account record, the set value would then be pre-populated on the 'Set All to Same' field on the Account Detail Screen of the Budget. The User could then simply click the button to set all to the same value.

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