Prep Stations are where items are physically prepped in a Restaurant. Creating definitive stations can help organize Prep sheets, and as Prep reports are ran and Ingredient Lists are pulled, they will be organized by station to assess variances and easily distribute to Prep Station workers.
Click here to learn about prep logs.
Create a Prep Station
Creating a Prep Station can be done from the Prep Station page in Smart Ops. In the left navigation, click 'Prep Station' under 'Food Admin' to open the Prep Station list.

In the top right corner of the Prep Station list, click '+Create.'

Type in a new name for the new Prep Station and click 'Save.'

View / Edit / Delete a Prep Station
A listing of all Prep Stations can be seen by clicking 'Prep Stations' under 'Inventory' in the Operations module. Once all Prep Stations are displayed, select the station that you want to view / edit / delete.

Clicking on a Prep Station will allow a User to view the Prep Station name. This can be edited and saved under a new Prep Station name or it can be deleted.

Once deleted has been clicked, a pop-up window will appear asking for the User to confirm this action. Clicking 'Yes' will delete the Prep Station from the Prep Station listing.