Employee Census
  • 05 Jul 2024
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Employee Census

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Article summary

This article reviews the 'Employee Census' report within Workforce Reports. This downloadable report contains Employee Record information, such as phone number, address, hourly rate, emergency contact information, and onboarding status. 


To download the Employee Census report, navigate to the Workforce Reports page, locate the 'Employee Census' report in the 'People' section, then click 'Download'.

Select the desired Employee status:

  • Active - Employees whose 'Hire Date' is on or before the 'As of Date' and have not been terminated.

  • Upcoming - Employees whose 'Hire Date' is after the 'As of Date' and have not been terminated.

  • Terminated - Employees who have been terminated.

Select the desired 'As of Date', then click 'Download report'.

The Employee Census report will be downloaded as a .xlxs file.

Employee Census Report Columns

  • Full Name - Employee's full name

  • Last Name - Employee's last name

  • First Name - Employee's first name

  • Middle Name - Employee's middle name

  • Preferred Name - Employee's preferred name

  • Payee Type - Individual or business

  • Business Legal Name - Business name for payees with the type 'Business'

  • Doing Business As (DBA) - DBA of the business for payees with the type 'Business'

  • Email - Employee's email address

  • Phone Number - Employee's phone number

  • Birth Date - Employee's date of birth

  • SSN/TIN - Employee's TIN

  • Street Line 1 - Employee's address

  • Street Line 2 - Employee's address

  • City - Employee's address

  • State - Employee's address

  • Postal Code - Employee's address

  • Hire Date - Employee's date of hire

  • Termination Date - Date Employee was terminated

  • Title - Employee's Primary Job

  • Current Department - Department assigned to the Employee

  • Current Work Location - Employee's Primary Location

  • Employee Type - Employee or Contractor

  • Pay Type - Salary or Hourly

  • Hourly Rate - Hourly pay rate 

  • Annual Salary - Annual salary

  • OT Eligible - Indicates if the Employee is eligible for overtime pay

  • Current Pay Cycle - The Employee's pay frequency

  • Typical Weekly Hours - Expected weekly hours for the Employee at their Primary Location for the associated Payroll Company

  • Payroll Employee ID - Employee's unique identification number within R365

  • Shirt Size - Employee's shirt size

  • Partner Shirt Size - Employee's partner's shirt size

  • Dietary Restrictions - Employee's dietary restrictions

  • Emergency Contact Full Name - Emergency contact information

  • Emergency Contact 1 Phone - Emergency contact information

  • Emergency Contact 1 Email - Emergency contact information

  • Emergency Contact 1 Relationship - Emergency contact information

  • Emergency Contact Full Name - Emergency contact information

  • Emergency Contact 2 Phone - Emergency contact information

  • Emergency Contact 2 Email - Emergency contact information

  • Emergency Contact 2 Relationship - Emergency contact information

  • Onboarding Status- Employee's onboarding status for the associated Payroll Company:

    • Complete

    • In Progress

    • Not Started

  • Profile Created At - Date and time Employee's onboarding was initiated

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