Departments (Workforce Payroll)
  • 07 Jun 2024
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Departments (Workforce Payroll)

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Article summary

This article reviews the 'Departments' page for Workforce. Here, Users can assign Employees to Departments for reporting purposes.


First, navigate to Workforce, then click 'Departments' in the left navigation menu. This will open the Departments page.


  1. Add Group - Click to add a new Department

  2. Name - Name of the Department

  3. Approvers - Number of approvers for Time Off in the Department

  4. People - Number of Employees in the Department

  5. Department Menu - Contains the following options:

    • Edit - Opens the Department details

    • Delete- Deletes the Department

      This action cannot be undone

Department Details


Group Name - Name of the Department. 

Any changes to this field are automatically saved. 


  1. Add Approver - Click to display the search field for adding a new approver

  2. Search - Enter 3 or more characters to search for a new approver

    This field is only displayed after 'Add Approver' is clicked

  3. Close Search - Click to close the search field

  4. Approver Name - Name of the approver

  5. Hours - When checked, approver can approve hours for the Employees in the Department

  6. Time Off - When checked, approver can approve Time Off for the Employees in the Department

  7. Delete - Click the trashcan icon to remove the approver


  1. Add Employee - Click to display the search field for adding a new Employee

  2. Search - Enter 3 or more characters to search for a new Employee

    This field is only displayed after 'Add Employee' is clicked

  3. Close Search - Click to close the search field

  4. Employee Name - Name of the Employee

  5. Title - Employee's Primary Job

  6. Location - Location of Employee's Primary Job

  7. Delete - Click the trashcan icon to remove the Employee from the Department

Employees can only be assigned to one Department. When assigned to a new Department, the Employee will be removed from any Department that they are already assigned to.

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