Uncleared Bank Transactions
  • 29 Jul 2024
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Uncleared Bank Transactions

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Article summary

Any transaction that is unmatched in R365 is an uncleared transaction. It is recommended to reconcile your accounts as often as possible to limit any discrepancies between R365 transactions and transactions posted to your bank account.

Uncleared transactions can be seen in both the Check Register and the Bank Reconciliation reports. When you match and reconcile your banks, these uncleared transactions should appear as cleared.

Check Register Report

Uncleared transactions will appear on your Check Register report as anything without letters listed to the right of the 'Reconciled' column in the report.

Bank Reconciliation Report

Uncleared transactions can be viewed at the bottom of the Bank Reconciliation report. To open this report, open the necessary Bank Reconciliation, hover over the 'Action' menu and click 'Reconciliation Report'. This will open the Reconciliation Report in a new tab.

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