Handling Inactive Users in Report Subscriptions
  • 03 Jun 2024
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Handling Inactive Users in Report Subscriptions

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Article summary

This article is part of Report Subscriptions and covers deactivating Users that are Report Subscription Owners. 

When a User that is an owner of a Report Subscription is being deactivated, the Report Subscription must be deleted or changed to a new owner. If a Report Subscription is owned by an Inactive User, the Report will receive an error and will not send.

Deactivating Users that Own Report Subscriptions

When someone that is a Report Subscription Owner is marked as inactive, the system will prompt a notification about the subscription ownership. Changes must be made to the Report Subscription before continuing. 

  1. Status - Shows the Report Subscription's current status. This status will either be labeled as 'Active' or 'Inactive'

  2. Subscription Name - The name of the Report Subscription given at creation

  3. Report - The type of Report that is being generated for the Subscription

  4. Recipients - All the Users that receive the Report Subscription

  5. Last Sent - The date and time that this Report was last sent

  6. Delete - Click to Delete the Report Subscription. This will remove the Subscription from the list immediately

    'Delete' should be used when the entire Report Subscription is no longer needed

  7. Change Owner - Click the dropdown to select a New Report Subscription Owner

    If a New Owner is selected, the Report will be generated from the account of the New Owner

Once every Report Subscription has been deleted or changed to a new owner, the User can click 'Submit Changes' to proceed with the deactivation. 

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