Report Manager
  • 06 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Report Manager

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Article summary

The Report Manager is a part of the Reporting Console. Click here for more information on the Reporting Console.

The Report Manager houses all preconfigured reports, which are grouped by Console. Once a report is selected, the Report Parameters can be further defined to filter the report as needed. Finalized reports can be printed from this screen or downloaded as a CSV file or PDF to a local computer.


To open the Report Manager window, click 'Report Manager' in the 'Reporting' menu or in the 'Reporting Options' tile.

Report Manager

  1. Report List - A listing of all standard reports organized by Console. Clicking into a folder will display the corresponding reports

  2. Report Description - A brief summary of the selected report

  3. Report Tabs - Each report that is ran will remain as a tab in this window. This enables the User to easily compare reports

  4. Edit Report Options - The Report Parameters will automatically load once the report is chosen. Update the necessary fields to filter the report

  5. Run Report - This will create the report based on the defined parameters. From this window, the report can be printed or downloaded as a CSV file or PDF

  6. Download Report - This will download the report as a CSV file

  7. Show on Console - To mark this report as a favorite, which will be listed on the Reporting Console, click this checkbox

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