Release Notes - Q4 2023
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Release Notes - Q4 2023

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Article summary

December 2023


Report Subscriptions Permissions

The report subscriptions toggle was removed. Users can now be granted report subscriptions permissions from the permissions tree on the User Roles tab.

Import Tool: Employee Import Fields

When importing employees, the Map Fields tab has the following new fields:

  • Birth Date

  • Job Title

  • Job Location

  • Pay Rate


Waste Log Templates: Copy to Location

Users can now copy created waste log templates to other locations, which allows users more efficient waste log template creation.

Recipe Record: Prep Sheet Checkbox

A Prep Sheet checkbox was added to the recipe record's Recipe tab. When checked, the recipe will be shown on the new Prep Sheet report.

Purchased Item Record: Prep Toggle

A Prep section was added to the purchased item record Settings tab. When toggled on, the purchased item will be shown on the Prep Sheet report.

Safe Count Comments Columns on Table

The Safe Counts table now has a column for comments. Comments left on a safe count will appear here.

Generate Qty Once for Duplicated Items

If an item exists twice on one inventory count, the duplicated item will only be counted once when generating an inventory count using the theoretical on hand quantity. The Generate Qty button will generate a quantity only once for the item. The first storage location will get the value. The repeated items are left at 0. 


Improvements to Legal Entity record

The following improvements have been made to the Legal Entity record:

  • If a Payer is selected, then the Payroll Company ID field is hidden. This improves the user workflow on the Legal Entity record.

  • If a Payroll Company ID is already in use on another legal entity, when the user tries to save the record, a message informs the user that the record could not be saved because the Payroll Company ID is already in use.


Employment History

A new section has been added to the Employment tab of Workforce Employee Records. The Employment History section displays the employee's separation information for a selected legal entity.

Separated Employees - Job Effective End Dates

When a salaried employee is separated from a payroll company, the effective end date for their salary job will automatically be updated to their separation date.

Opening the Employee Separation Wizard

The employee separation wizard can now be opened by changing the employee's status to 'Separated' in the Employment Info section of the Employment tab of their Employee Record.


Barcode Scanning in Logs and Transfers

Barcode scanning can now be used to scan items onto item transfers, waste logs, and donation logs.


Inventory: Barcode Scanning Using an External Scanner

The R365 App now supports connection to external Bluetooth devices. Users can connect to and utilize an external Bluetooth scanner to scan in items when conducting an inventory count

Schedule Request Updates

The scheduling requests experience has been updated! In addition to a new look, users no longer need to select a location for time-off requests. Time-off requests are automatically submitted to all locations that the employee is associated with.


Daily Sales and Log Entries

The Daily Sales and Log Entries report displays daily sales data for each location, compared to historical data. Managers can use this information to track daily performance, compare to previous averages, and keep notes on events or scenarios that impacted business on a given day. This new report can be found on the Op. Analysis tab of My Reports.

Employee Separation Report

The Employee Separation Report provides a list of all employees who separated from employment, along with relevant data for the employee such as contact and payroll information. This new report can be found on the Workforce tab of My Reports.

Prep Sheet

The new Prep Sheet report displays a suggested total quantity of items needed to prep for a business day. 

November 2023


Donation Reason Types Enhancements

Users can now configure reason types from the new reason type sidesheet. 

The reason type configurator can be now be accessed from the donations grid.

Verify Item Setup -  Smart Ops Items Grid

The verify item setup button is now available on the Smart Ops items grid. Users can click this button to refresh all purchased item records, apply any changes to units of measure, and recalculate costs.

Bulk Editing Report Cost 

Users can now bulk edit item reporting costs on the purchased item record item cost tab.

Creating a Purchased Item from an AP Invoice

The quick-create item experience has been updated! The following enhancements were made to the create item form on the Link Items sidesheet:

  • Item category prefix autofill

  • Cost and inventory account autofill from item category

  • Quick-add UofM


My Workflows

 The My Workflows screen features updated graphics, filters, and reorganized columns to streamline the experience. Here are some of the key improvements:

  • The Number column now appears after the Status and Inactivity Alert columns in the table.

  • Approve and Deny buttons are easier to identity and more visually appealing.

  • Selected rows are highlighted in light blue. This is improves visibility on low contrast screens.

  • Use the Filter Columns dialog box to quickly locate workflows containing (or not containing) specified text.

Vendor Record

In this release of the Vendor record, the Entry method cannot be changed from By Item to By Account if the vendor has been used on a purchase order or shopping list. This ensures that all data related to the inventory is properly maintained.

Legal Entities

The following fields are now required when adding or importing legal entities:

  • Street 1

  • City

  • State

  • Zip


The following fields are now required when adding or importing locations:

  • Address 1

  • City

  • State

  • Zip

Labor & Scheduling

Shift Differential - Fixed Amount Configuration

Shift differential rules can now be configured to add a fixed amount earning as a fixed dollar or fixed hour amount.

Manager Queue - Availability Requests

When an employee submits an availability change request that matches their current availability, the request will appear in the Manager Queue with the following message: 'Request matches employee's current availability settings'. Approving the request will clear the notification from the Manager Queue.


Year End Checklist Page

The Year End Checklist page has been added in the Payroll section of Workforce to guide users through the end-of-year payroll process. They Year End Checklist page contains a list of important year end tasks with instructions and deadlines.

Company Tax Profile Page

The Company Tax Profile page has been added to the Settings section of Workforce. Here, users can view tax profile information for the selected payroll company, including tax jurisdictions and SUI rates.  

Employee Separations - Supporting Documentation

When processing an employee separation, supporting documents can be uploaded. Once the employee separation is complete, the uploaded document(s) will appear on the 'Documents' tab of the employee's Employee Record in the 'Separation' folder.

Employee Onboarding - Onboard Without Notification

When onboarding individual employees to payroll, the employee's onboarding can be initiated without sending an onboarding invite to the employee by checking 'Add to payroll, without notifying employee' at the bottom of the onboarding wizard. 

New Earning Type: Back Pay

A new earning type has been added for 'Back Pay'.

Employees Page - Location Restrictions

On the Workforce Employees page, users will now only see employees who are associated with one or more locations that the user has access to. Employees without a location assigned will be shown to all users. 

Payroll Statuses - Not Active

The payroll status of 'Not Added' has been changed to 'Not Active'


New Positive Pay Exports

A Positive Pay Export is a list of checks exported from R365 in a format that can be uploaded to a bank. This upload alerts the bank of the checks so that they can be processed. This is a service offered by many banks to ensure that only approved checks are cashed. R365 offers many types of Positive Pay Exports so that the exported file matches the import requirements for your bank. My Reports now includes three new Positive Pay Exports:

  • Positive Pay Export - HSBC

  • Positive Pay Export - Truist

  • Positive Pay Export - EPIC

Spread/Memorized Transaction List

The Spread/Memorized Transaction List displays all spread and memorized transaction details from within a selected time frame. Due to the nature of this report, it has been relocated from the Labor tab to the Financial tab of My Reports.

October 2023


Classic Item Category and UofM Deprecation

The classic item category and the classic Unit of Measure forms and lists have been deprecated. 

Users can continue to use our new and improved item category and UofM form in Smart Ops!

Change Password in Smart Ops

Users can now change their R365 password from Smart Ops! When the username in the top right corner of the page is clicked, users will now have the 'change password option.'

Safe Count Comments

The Safe Count form now has a comment section. Users can leave comments when entering or reviewing a safe count.

New Purchase Order and Order Suggestion Columns

The purchase order details grid now features the 'In Transit Qty' column, which tells the users the quantity of item that currently in progress/transit.

The order suggestions details grid now features the following two new columns:

  • Last Order Amt - The quantity of items ordered based on the most recent purchase order

  • Last 4 Avg Qty - The average quantity of items ordered based on the last 4 purchase orders


Employee Separations

The employee termination process within Workforce has been changed to an employee separation process. The new separation process is used to separate the employee from one or more payroll companies, and is no longer a single setting that impacts all locations and legal entities associated with that employee.

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New Earning and Deduction Types

New earning and deduction types have been added.

New Earning Type:

  • Training Hours

New Deduction Types:

  • Fringe Benefit Offset

  • Miscellaneous

GL Account Mapping - GL Types No Longer Restricted

The GL Account Mapping page no longer restricts the GL account type mappable to each payroll account. Now, any GL account can be assigned to any payroll account.

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Payment Details Page - Hyperlink to Associated Employee Record

Clicking on the employee name on the Payment Details page will now open their Employee Record.

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Payroll Status Updates

The 'Terminated' status has been renamed 'Separated'

The ‘X of Y’ payroll status will now only include legal entities that are associated with a payroll company.


GL Account Detail

The GL Account Detail report now includes donation transactions.

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