Release Notes - Q2 2022
  • 02 Jul 2024
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Release Notes - Q2 2022

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Article summary

June 30, 2022

AP Center

The AP Center makes processing AP easier. Follow the full life of an AP Invoice from Document Upload through Payment Creation, all from one central place!

Forecast Import

Quickly populate a monthly Forecast through Forecast Import! Imports allow for uploading Forecasts for multiple Locations in a single template. 

Financial Dashboard - Hide Zero Balances

Customize the Financial Dashboard to hide GL Accounts with $0 balances on the Balance Sheet and P&L widgets. 

Inventory Counts - Edit Item Counts on the Item Detail tab

When reviewing unapproved Inventory Counts, Item Counts can be now be adjusted from the Item Detail tab.

June 16, 2022

Purchased Item Record Layout Changes

The Purchase Item Record has a new layout that facilitates more efficient Item creation. The 'Purchasing' tab has been removed and some fields have been relocated to be better grouped with related fields. 

Custom Logbook Categories

Custom Categories can now be added to the Logbook in Smart Ops. This feature enables your organization to expand on the default Categories and improve internal communication. 

Tip Management

Import tips to the Labor section of the DSS and indicate if tips were already paid out in cash or if they should be paid on paychecks. This feature can also be used to distribute tips between tipped employees. Tip Management requires that the Punch Edits feature is already enabled. 

May 11, 2022

Daily Sales Metrics as Net Sales or Gross Sales

Quickly switch between displaying Net Sales or Gross Sales in the Daily Sales Metrics section of the Smart Ops Home Page.

Invoice Comments are Now Available in List View

Comments made on Invoices can now be viewed directly on the Smart Ops Invoice Page without clicking into the Invoice. This new column helps Users save time by seeing at a glance if there are comments associated with a transaction.

Catch Threshold Violations Quicker!

No need to navigate to the Alerts tab to identify Threshold Violations. Alerts for Threshold Violations are now highlighted in red on the Details tab of Smart Ops Invoices.

April 7, 2022

Lock Punch Edits Automatically

Build out Pay Cycles in R365 that will allow the system to auto-lock the Labor section of all DSSs in that Pay Cycle from being edited so that payroll can be processed on time.

Submit Purchase Orders via EDI to Process Your Orders Faster!

Enable EDI for available Vendors to bypassing the middle man and input orders directly into the Vendor's system. This will speed up the processing time for your orders and cause less opportunity for errors.

Build Workflow Approval Groups for My Workflows

Multiple Users can be grouped together and assigned to a set approval level. This enables one of several Users to approve transactions rather than being limited to one approver at a set level.

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