Release Notes - Q1 2020
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Release Notes - Q1 2020

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Article summary

March 19th, 2020


  • Enhancement - Added ability to delete Commissary Orders not in the fulfilled state

  • Enhancement - Purchase Item Import - will use Category GL Assignments if present when uploading items

  • Fixed - Catering Item Units of Measure field is now working as intended

  • Fixed - Number reference added to certain Item selection fields (Ingredients added to recipes for instance)

March 5th, 2020


  • Enhancement - Line comments from the DSS will appear in the resulting journal entry

  • Fixed - AR invoice - can be saved with a negative amount remaining

  • Fixed - Bank Reconciliation - totals not automatically updating


  • Enhancement - Updated Daily Forecasting to more understandable title

  • Enhancement - Import Tool - Importing Categories on Purchased Item Import will auto-fill GL Accounts from those categories

  • Fixed - Users now able to lock Commissary Orders so Restaurant Managers can make no edits

  • Fixed - Waste Log Entries now subtract from theoretical on hand instead of add

  • Fixed - Stock Count Quantities Report - totals now match

  • Fixed - Forecast Dates no longer duplicate in select situations

February 27th, 2020


  • Enhancement - New Field - Purchased Items General Tab - Measure Type to set Unit of Measure class (weight, volume, each) to ensure consistent application of units of measure throughout the system.

  • Enhancement - Added Inventory and Cost Accounts to Item Categories 1 - 3 - assigning GL Accounts at the category level will auto fill those accounts for any newly created items using those categories.

  • Experience Update - Purchase Items - Item Category Tab removed - categories and key item flag moved to the Inventory Cost Tab to ensure a smooth workflow with regard to assigning GL Accounts on categories auto-filling in GL Accounts on Purchased Items.

  • Enhancement - Import Tool - Significant Improvements to the Import Tool for Purchased Items; Recipes; Item Locations; and Sales Items - added measure type as a new field for importing coupled with significant performance improvement as well as a more robust exception report

  • Fixed - Ingredients automatically changing to items Inventory UofM when that ingredient is actively selected

  • Fixed - Stock Count Templates - mix of capital and lowercase on import no longer generates an error

  • Fixed - Commissary Portal Customers temp password re-send now working as intended

  • Fixed - Vendor name now carries over from PO to Invoice when converting

February 20, 2020


  • Enhancement - Banking - Bank Account screen reorganized

February 6, 2020


  • Enhancement - Banking - Credit Card is added as a bank account type on the bank account screen

  • Enhancement - AP - 1099 Amount, warn when the amount is different from the document amount and ask to update

  • Enhancement - GL - Payroll Journal can only be approved when the supported DSS journals are also approved

  • Enhancement - AP - Mark as Paid is available on a memorized template

  • Fixed - AP - During check run non-check documents are not using the correct number

  • Fixed - Bank Recon - Unchecking a transaction excludes it from Bank Activity

  • Fixed - Fiscal Year - Unable to update via import

January 15, 2020


  • NEW Workflow Document Previewer - Review attached documents alongside your workflow queue with no additional clicks 

  • Enhancement - Workflow Snapshot Summary - Get the highlights of the transaction and last workflow action to make quick decisions to approve, deny or drill down

  • Enhancement - Workflow Rapid Approvals - Automatically load successive invoices for quick review and approval

January 8, 2020  


  • Enhancement - Journal Entry Reversal - Now compatible with the Workflow feature.  Adding a reversal will no longer trigger an approval

  • Enhancement - Import - Added the ability to import the reversal date of a journal entry

  • Fixed - Fiscal Year - Slow performance when creating a fiscal year

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