Release Notes: Febuary 2024
  • 02 Jul 2024
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Release Notes: Febuary 2024

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Article summary


AP Invoices

Edit AP Transactions in Smart Ops

Users with the appropriate permissions can edit AP invoices or credit memos from the purchased item record Transactions tab. Users will be able to edit the following:

  • UofM

  • Each Amt

  • QTY

  • Vendor Item Mapping


Logbook Tags Updated Functionality

Logbook tags have been updated! Tags now generate with different colors, which can be managed from the logbook settings.

Tags can also now be created and added from the Tags field when creating a log entry.

Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Last Order Amt and Last 4 Avg Column Values

The Purchase Order Last Order Amt and Last 4 Avg column values will now reference the last time the item was ordered using the same template, if applicable.  When the PO is generated without using a template, the system will use the existing logic of using the last date of the item ordered.


Memorized AP Transactions

Memorized AP Form PO Actions Removed 

The two PO actions Submit PO and Print Order Guide were removed from the action menu on the memorized AP form

Check Runs

Check Run record renamed to Payment Run record

The Check Run record has been retitled to Payment Run record so that the name is now consistent with the navigation label. Because the Payment Run record is used to create many forms of payment, this new name also better describes the use of the page.


Employee Records

Employee Rehire Wizard

Separated employees can now be rehired on their Employee Record.

Pay Runs

Deduction Edits

Deductions associated with a single employee payment can now be edited along with earnings on the Payment Details page.

PTO Accruals

Manager Tools Time Off Tab

The Time Off tab of the Manager Tools page lists all active, approved, and denied employee time off requests. Time off requests can be approved and denied on this page. Users can also create time off requests on behalf of employees.

Unpayable Employees

Employee Record Link

Clicking on the employee's name on the Unpayable Employees report will now open the employee's Employee Record.

Earning and Deduction Types

New Deduction Type - Simple IRA

Simple IRA has been added as a deduction type. 


Custom Financial Reports

Subscribe to Custom Financial Reports

Users can now set up report subscriptions for Custom Financial Reports. When a user selects a report on the Custom Financial Reports page, a new Manage Subscriptions icon appears next to the report name. Select this icon to open the Subscriptions page of My Reports. From there, users can set up a subscription for the custom report.

My Reports

PTO Balance Report now available

The new PTO Balance report allows users to export a spreadsheet file that contains the accrual balances as of today's date for all employees all at locations to which the user has access. This quick view can be helpful for managers who need to balance their employee's time off or HR administrators who occasionally need to assess the current balances of one or more employees.

DSS Status Report now available

The new DSS Status report provides a daily update of all imports to the Daily Sales Summary, allowing users to view a quick list of successful imports.

Retitled reports

The following report names have been updated to improve searchability and to better describe the use of the report:

  • The Proposed Employee Merge report is now the Employee Merge report. 

  • The Labor Break, Split & Clopening report is now the Labor Break and Split report. 



Operation Calendar Attributes

The standard calendar attributes have been replaced with the following Operational Calendar attributes:

New Operational Calendar Attributes

Legacy Calendar Attributes

Operational Period

Calendar Month

Operational Quarter

Calendar Quarter

Operational Week

Calendar Week

Operational Year

Calendar Year

Operational Calendar attributes will be based on the operational year that is set up in R365.

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