Release Notes - 2019
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Release Notes - 2019

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Article summary

December 26, 2019


  • Enhancement - Item Transfers now update item costs when received

  • Fixed - Changing location on copied Memorized PO no longer removes items

  • Fixed - Commissary Order Form - locations and commissary locations now appear correctly based on user access

  • Fixed - Stock Counts - Quick Details not moving over to Stock Count Details in select situations


  • Enhancement - Fiscal Years - An option to automatically add a 53rd week for 4/4/5 and 13-4 structured years when required to meet IRS guidelines.

  • Fixed - Banking - Clicking "Add" multiple times is creating multiple transactions.

  • Fixed - Fiscal Years - Periods are not immediately updating when making changes.

December 12, 2019


  • Enhancement - AP - Added Ability to resize Invoice Detail Columns - UofM Column now double width by default

  • Enhancement - Items - Transaction Tab Updates (Sorts Newest to Oldest Transaction; Added Vendor Item Code)

  • Enhancement - Item Costing - Added Transfers In to the Costing Calculations

  • Enhancement - Stock Count List View - Removed Hyperlink to Stock Count Template; Added Hyperlink to Stock Count

  • Fixed - Accubar Imports - Now use Item Location UofMs when importing (was defaulting to Purchased Item UofM)

  • Fixed - POs - Add All Vendor Items now adds all Vendor Items instead of the lowest number vendor code only


  • NEW Advanced Close - The ability to open and close specific financial periods and modules

  • Enhancement - AP - Vendor Search includes vendor address on AP Invoice Form

  • Enhancement - AP - Vendor Address is displayed at the top of the Invoice and Credit Memo window

  • Enhancement - AP - GL Date is added to the Credit Memo and the screen layout now matches the AP Invoice

  • Enhancement - AP - Vendor Payment hold status is available in the vendor list view

  • Enhancement - Transaction Details - now includes Document Date, Location Number, Account Number.  Date is renamed GL Date

  • Enhancement - My Workflows - now includes All Workflows tab, a single view of all active Workflows

  • Fixed - AP - Vendor Payment Terms updating to default unexpectedly when clicking elsewhere within the Invoice screen

  • Fixed - AP - Unable to modify a comment on an approved invoice.


  • Enhancement - GL Detail Report with Legal Entity - Increased performance

December 5th, 2019


  • Enhancement -  Added Missing Paid Out Types to the To Do Checklist

  • Enhancement - Added ability to email out to multiple email addresses per vendor on Purchase Orders

  • Enhancement - Added "Received From Commissary" flag to Item Location Import

  • Enhancement - Prevent use of a Stock Count Template more than once in any given location on the same date

  • Enhancement - AP Transaction List View - Can now filter on the Missing Items column

  • Fixed - Stock Count sorting issue when assuming items at 0 quantity


  • Enhancement - Prohibit Approve - secondary role designed to remove the ability to approve AP, AR and JE transactions from select users

  • Enhancement - Workflow Admin - secondary role designed to enable the ability to configure and make changes to the Workflow Setup page for non-All Access or User Setup users

  • Fixed - Banking - WFB Posi Pay is using vendor name instead of the check name

  • Fixed - Fixed Assets - Non-Intercompany asset location transfer creates an intercompany type of journal entry


  • Fixed - Check Register does not include transactions with the status of "Voiding"

November 7th, 2019


  • Enhancement - All Locations option added to the User Form


  • Enhancement - Prohibit Delete - secondary role designed to remove the ability to delete AP documents and transactions from select users

  • Fixed - FA adding from potential asset screen is not updating the cost basis for depreciation

  • Fixed - BA reconciled deposits reverting to undeposited funds when activity is undone


  • NEW - Multiple Commissaries - Commissary Location can now be changed on the Commissary Order Form to order different products from different Commissaries.

  • Enhancement - AP Transactions List - Added column: Missing Items that displays a Yes when that invoice has missing items associated with it

  • Fixed - Export Count Sheet from Stock Counts now shows items added into the Stock Count screen


  • Enhancement - Publishing shifts or a schedule as a Restaurant Manager user now requires an additional secondary security role, 'Schedule Approval'. All Restaurant Manager users existing at time of release have been granted this role.


  • Update - AP Check Register - Added dates for matched and reconciled.  Separated voided transactions from non-voided.

  • Update - FA Asset Value Report - Added the current period depreciation amount

  • Fixed - AP Accrual Report is not displaying all detail lines on an invoice

  • Fixed - Order Guide Report prints items in same order as the Purchase Order screen

  • Fixed - Receiving by Purchased Item Report now shows Transfers Out

October 31, 2019


  • Fixed - AP 1099 amount does not update when the document amount is updated

  • Fixed - Bank Activity could show duplicates

  • Fixed - AP - GL Date warning showing incorrectly

  • Fixed - AR - Not able to invoice house accounts when the period is open

October 24, 2019


  • NEW - Commissary Order Import - Added Commissary Orders to the Import Utility to import multiple Commissary Orders with details simultaneously.

  • Enhancement - disabled ability to add an ingredient to a recipe with a 0% yield - tool tip added explaining this restriction

  • Enhancement - Location Record- Commissary Location Drop Down now filters to Location Type of Commissary

  • Fixed - Sending a PO via Shopping List now removes all 0 quantities before creating the final Purchase Order


  • Enhancement - Workflow - Added ability to search by Vendor and by Location when creating Workflows on the Workflow Setup page.

October 16th,  2019


  • Fixed - AP - Spread transactions are duplicating unexpectedly

  • Fixed - Bank Transfer dropdowns are inconsistent in operation

  • Fixed - AP - Grid shows incorrect due date

October 2nd, 2019


  • Enhancement - AP - Expense Accruals (Dates of Service) can optionally be entered on a detail line of an invoice and credit memo

  • Fixed - AP - Check remittance is displaying the GL date and not the document date of a transaction


  • Fixed - Shopping List now maintains Alphabetical Sort when saving rather than reverting back to Manual


  • NEW - Accounts Payable Accrual - Payables transactions with dates of service are listed for review and possible accrual.  Calculations are provided with amounts before and after the GL date of the transaction.

  • Enhancement - Menu Item Analysis Report now reports Item Location-specific costing for recipes

September 25th,2019


  • Enhancement - Stock Counts - Items can now be in the same Storage Location more than once

  • Enhancement - Refresh Cost button will reference Item Location cost when invoices are outside of 12 months old.

  • Enhancement - Commissary - Added Comments to the printed versions of Packing Slip and Fulfillment Report

  • Enhancement - Added warning if two users are logged into the same count at the same time on the web and one saves - there is a choice to overwrite data or cancel - this also prevents an item duplication issue that was happening in rare instances.

  • Fixed - Removed ability to add Recipes to Purchase Orders

  • Fixed - Commissary - Mass Fulfillment screen "Un-Fulfill" now working as intended


  • Enhancement - Flash Report has been broken out into 2 different Reports: Flash Report and Flash Report - Advanced.  This improves performance and print-ability of both reports.

  • Fixed - Item Price Change Analysis Report - cost numbers now accurately reflected in all columns

  • Fixed - Item Transfer Details Report now works when run for more than one location

September 12th, 2019


  • Clicking an employee's name or profile picture on the Schedule will open that employee's record. Clicking anywhere else on the employee's cell will continue to expand the row if the employee is assigned multiple shifts.

  • When the Schedule is set to Job view, the Jobs will now be ordered alphabetically for ease in locating a specific Job.

  • Schedules can now be deleted from the menu accessible via the gear icon. Select if only the shifts currently visible with the filters should be deleted, or if the entire schedule should be deleted instead.

September 5th, 2019


  • Enhancement - User Preferences now includes options of how a location is used on a new Journal Entry.

  • Enhancement - Detail and Distribution tabs will display the location number - name.

  • Enhancement - Report - Vendor Statement Reconciliation

  • Enhancement - Report - Vendor Analysis

August 28th, 2019


  • Administration

    • Locations now have Location Type(Required Field) – Accounting Entity; Restaurant; Commissary

      • Item Locations will only be created for Non-Accounting Entity Location Types

        • Via Imports (Purchased Item and Item Location)

        • Via Toggle on Purchased Items

        • Via Setup of Item Location Manually (no option to choose Accounting Entities)

        • Location Types can be imported via the Location Import

    • Accuracy Improvements for Usage Per $1000 and Theoretical On Hand fields

    • Recipe Costing by Location Now Available

      • Item Locations must be turned on for this feature

      • Added Multi-Select Drop Down List on the Ingredient Tab of Recipes to compare costs across multiple locations

  • Prep (New Feature)

    • Prep logs can be created and approved

      • Items must be marked “Prepped” to utilize this feature

      • Prep Logs can be printed from the log screen

      • Ingredient Pull Lists can be printed from the log screen

      • Suggested Prep available based on Usage per $1000

      • Ingredients Tab displays all ingredients needed to create Prep Log

      • Prep Transactions can be found under the Inventory Transactions List View

    • Stations can now be created

      • Use stations to organize prep logs

    • Memorized Prep Logs

      • Templates can be turned into Prep Logs to speed up the Log creation process

      • Stored in the new Memorized Prep Logs List View

    • Report

      • Prep History

        • Run this report to see Prep History by item; location; or item category, over a date range.

  • Purchase Orders Updates

    • Added ability to Mark as Submitted without emailing an order

    • Added ability to Un-Submit a Purchase Order

    • Added Order Guide Report with key metrics to the Memorized Purchase Order

    • Suggestions based on Usage Per $1000 and Theoretical On Hand now Accurate

    • Various updates to the Purchase Order Report formatting

August 21st, 2019


  • Fixed - Ship/Set Qty Fulfilled now works as intended


  • When right-clicking on the Schedule to add a shift, the application now pre-fills as many values as possible (such as the Employee, Job, Date, etc.) from the row that was right-clicked.

  • When creating a new schedule from a prior week, the application now allows future weeks to be selected as long as they are prior to the week being scheduled.

  • When viewing the Manager Queue, the tab for each request type will display the number of open requests within that tab.

  • Additional small miscellaneous improvements to increase efficiency when adding and editing shifts.

Mobile (Restaurant365 "Red" App)

  • Employees will now receive push notifications when Schedules and Announcements are published.

  • All push notifications can now be tapped to navigate the employee to the source of the notification.

  • Location and Department Managers will now receive a text and/or email when their employees submit requests.

  • Employees can now view any Catering Site information present on shifts.

  • Employees can view their Time Punches from the Profile page.

August 14, 2019


  • Fixed - FA, Depreciation screen does not have all assets listed

  • Fixed - GL, Weekly Memorized Transactions are not Repeating

  • Fixed - GL, Memorized transactions do have the correct number of times to repeat when over 1,000

  • Fixed - AP, Saved check runs will use saved check numbers when more than one saved check run exists

  • Fixed - BR, Able to adjust the reconciled amount on bank expense and deposit

  • Fixed - GL, Spreads dated in the past do not generate until subsequent spread is created

  • Fixed - GL, Creating budget from prior year actual is not using the selected year


  • Fixed - Item Location UofM no longer resets when clicking on the page

  • Fixed - Item updates no longer impact Distribution on Non-GL Posting Stock Counts


  • Enhancement - Updates to Contract Violations Report

    • Added ability to roll up summary by Vendor

    • Added hyperlinks to items/vendor items

    • Added UofM Column

    • Added Total $ Violation Column for each occurrence

    • Split UofMs now function as intended

  • Fixed - Advanced Flash now shows Guest Counts for all day parts

August 7th, 2019


  • Fixed - AP, When opening the AP invoice screen the cursor is not active in the first field of location.

  • Fixed - Banking, able to use a disabled bank account in a "Mark as Paid" transaction"

  • Fixed - FA, Depreciation amounts are incorrect when recalculating when undo records are present


  • Fixed - Refresh Cost button on Stock Counts will update from Purchased Item if location has no item location


  • Enhancement - The 'Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Details' report now includes Prior Year Sales to allow year-over-year comparisons.

  • Enhancement - Add Vendor Item Number Filter and corresponding Column to Received by Purchased Item Report

  • Fixed - Not a Menu flag on Menu Item Links now filters those items off of Product Mix Report

July 31st, 2019


  • Enhancement - Fixed Assets, Prevent creating or updating a fiscal year when a legal entity has assets assigned to it.

  • Enhancement - AP, Add a user preference regarding the display of a location when entering an AP Invoice transaction.

  • Enhancement - Added the legal entity and account type fields to the import template and Setup Assistant.

  • Fixed - When importing AP Invoice the "import as approved" option is not working.

System Administration:

  • New Feature - Configurable Password Policy- Set up password requirements for users by User Role to implement the level of security that is right for your users.

    • The Password Policy by User Role allows you to set stricter password requirements for higher level users or however is best for your business.


  • Fixed - Ship/Set Qty Fulfilled on Commissary Orders now fills in the Fulfilled Qty field

  • Fixed - Recipe Costing flows correctly now


  • Enhancement - When run for one store, Menu Item Analysis Report is more compact

  • Fixed - OT is now present on Total Burden Calculation on Flash Report

July 17th, 2019


  • Enhancement - AP, Added dates of service to the AP Invoice screen to assist with identifying accruals

  • Enhancement - AP, AP Invoice Screen layout update with automatic updating of the GL post date to an open period

  • Enhancement - AP, Added a unique company name for 1099 reporting.  Also added to the Setup Assistant and Import.

  • Enhancement - AP, A vendor can now be placed on a Payment Hold.  Payments cannot be processed for a vendor on a Payment Hold

  • Fixed - Fixed Assets, Depreciation amount is not correct after a partial retirement

  • Fixed - Fixed Assets, Retirement journal entry is recording a gain/loss when a beginning balance of depreciation is on the asset record

  • Fixed - AP, Check memo added during check run does not appear on the check

  • Fixed - AP, discount taken on an invoice is not being deducted from the open invoice amount


  • Fixed - Mobile App (Classic) - Vendors unavailable to managers now hidden

  • Fixed - Stock Counts - Items in multiple locations will now report the correct flag on the item review tab


  • Enhancement - AvT Report - Added Ending Count Cost option - this will use the cost for every item as of the "To" count date specified on the report

  • Enhancement - Menu Item Analysis Report - Added a "No Category" option so that report can be run for Menu Items that aren't included in a Menu Category

  • Fixed - AvT Report - Removed Waste $ from Actual Usage % calculation

  • Fixed - AvT Report -  Yield % from Ingredients on Recipes now calculates correctly

July 10th, 2019


  • Enhancement - Stock Count List View will show name of Stock Count Template, even if that template was deleted

  • Fixed - Beginning Balance Stock Count will now close when using Save and Close or Approve and Close

  • Fixed - Line Items can now be added to Invoices that were converted from POs without first saving


  • New Report - Operations Scorecard Report - Side by Side weekly summaries on key metrics for multiple locations

  • New Feature - Advanced Flash Report - Flash Report has an Advanced option to show even more data for each store - learn more here

  • Fixed - Subtotals now appear on Menu Item Analysis Report

June 27th, 2019


  • Enhancement - Add AP Invoice Posting Date to Import

  • Fixed - P&L accounts aren't available in running total field for GL type

  • Fixed - Bank Expenses importing with unexpected error

  • Fixed - AP Transactions grid not sorting as expected when filtered by unapproved

  • Fixed - Fixed Asset Import, location missing

  • Fixed - Credit Memos can be approved in the list view with unassigned items

June 20th, 2019


  • Fixed - AP Aging - Payments and Credit Memos applied to multiple invoices are reported incorrectly

  • Fixed - AP Aging - Sum by location not working

June 5th, 2019


  • Fixed - ACH/ADD using next check number

  • Fixed - AP transactions cannot use CSV file format

  • Fixed - Distribution on AR payment is updating when un-applying from invoice

  • Fixed - Importing transactions bypasses workflow setup

  • Fixed - Bank Activity matching is looking at at credits to undeposited funds

  • Fixed - Able to create ACH payments without a number

May 9th, 2019


  • Fixed - Able to set Payment Type on AR Payments


  • Fixed - Mass Fulfillment in Commissary will now update costs

  • Fixed - Ingredient costing is now accurate when yield and portion uofms are not the same

Scheduling V2:

  • Enhancement - Shifts/Claim Trade now have Responsibility/Rating validations on approve action

  • Fixed - Removed empty departments from the scheduler drop down list

  • Fixed - SPLH goals on departments can now exceed 100


  • Enhancement- Actual vs Theoretical Report

    • Updated Transaction Cost option

    • Sorting on any column independent of categories

    • Improved Performance

  • Fixed - Labor Actual vs Scheduled Detail - hours and $ values are now accurate

  • Fixed - AP Aging Issues

  • Fixed - Academy Management List

May 3rd, 2019


  • Enhancement- Menu Item Analysis Report Updates

    • Added option for Weighted Average Column

    • Added location roll-up into totals

    • Can now sort on all columns

  • Enhancement - Item Price Change Analysis Report now drills into Receiving by Purchase Item report

  • Enhancement - Purchased and Recipe Items can be copied

  • Enhancement - Actual vs Theoretical Report will show Commissary/Catering/AR Sales

  • Fixed - Actual vs Theoretical Report Quantity Calculations are now accurate

  • Fixed - Item Price Change Analysis Report costing is accurate

March 28th, 2019


  • New Feature - Enhanced AP Invoice Entry

    • Faster Invoice Entry 

      • Quickly populate an invoice by starting with a memorized template

      • Documents to Process now automatically refreshes after processing a Document

    • Confidently Delegate Invoice Entry

      • Set entry instructions per vendor that are viewable when entering invoices for that vendor

      • Managers able to review documents marked as duplicates before they are removed

  • Enhancement - You can now print checks using Location info in addition to Legal Entity


  • Enhancement - You can now add a comment to Commissary Orders as you would on a Purchase Order

  • Fixed - Deactivated POS Employees no longer get imported to R365 on initial POS pull

  • Fixed - Commissary Orders are now showing the correct fulfillment cost


  • Fixed - User email addresses now accept underscores wherever they may be in front of the @ symbol


  • Fixed - Cannot delete a Bank Direct Connect link to R365 bank account.

  • Fixed - Cannot assign a default bank to a Legal Entity.

  • Fixed - Able to approve Beginning Balance AP trx in a historical period while in list view.

  • Fixed - Checks not marked as printing in AP Transactions list.

  • Fixed - Posting Date column not displaying in AP Transactions list.

March 13, 2019


  • Fixed - A manual beginning balance journal entry displays the correct label of beginning balance.

  • Fixed - AP aging report displays unapplied intercompany transactions to the correct legal entity.

  • Fixed - Removed additional quotes from Positive Pay (Default 1) export file.

March 6, 2019

What’s included in this release:


  • New Feature Workflows

    • Multi-level, user-defined approval process for AP Invoices and Journal Entries to go through 1-10 levels of Approvers before posting to the General Ledger.

Workflows Feature Highlights

  • 2 New Pages!

    • Workflows Setup Page:

      • AP Invoice Workflows are set up based on the Location, Location Reporting Category, Vendor and Amount.

      • Journal Entry Workflows are set up based on the Created By User and Amount

      • Workflows can be set up through an import or directly through the web-page

    • My Workflows Page:

      • A tab where Approvers can view/approve transactions currently pending their approval

      • A tab where Approvers can view/approve transactions currently pending approval of a user before them in a Workflow

  • Updates to the AP Invoice and Journal Entry Pages:

    • Workflows History Tab - Tracks and displays workflow approval or denial actions with the user, date and reason (if applicable)

    • Workflows Status - Options are: Approved, Pending Approval, Researching, and Work Needed

    • Approvers can add notes, tasks, or send emails or texts to communicate about workflow transactions

    • Alert me when approved - Users can choose to be alerted with an email when a transaction has reached final approval

  • Daily email sent to approvers regarding their transactions

January 25, 2019

What’s included in this release:


  • Enhancement - Additional Location numbers can now be added for each Location on a Vendor record. This is for Vendors that define unique identifiers for locations.

  • Enhancement - The check run screen has an additional filter utilizing the reporting category(s) assigned at the location level. 


  • New Feature - Purchase Orders can be created for multiple vendors using a single list of items

Feature Highlights

  • Added Shopping List form to organize items into a “Shelf to Sheet” list

  • Ability to select items from multiple vendors for order creation in a single screen

  • Added Shopping List functionality to the Purchasing Assistant

January 9, 2019

What’s included in this release:


New Feature - Bank Direct Connect - Allows users to connect their Bank Accounts with R365 in order to directly download Bank Account activity.

  • Saves Time – Access and Retrieve bank information from within R365.  No need for a manual file import. 

  • Increases Accuracy – No bank exports, scrubbing of files and importing needed, minimizing the opportunity for error. 

  • More Secure – Encrypted connection and no need to share passwords.

Feature Highlights

  • Support for thousands of local and national banks.

  • Set it once and forget it.

  • No need to leave R365 to get banking information.

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