R365 Hire: Rehire Process
  • 30 Jun 2024
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R365 Hire: Rehire Process

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Article summary

When rehiring Employees, they should follow a different Onboarding checklist than new Employees. While the system defaults to the same Onboarding checklist for new Employees, this can be adjusted before being assigned to rehires so that they are not required to complete the New Employee paperwork.

Building a Rehire Checklist

Complete the steps below in order to build out the necessary checklist for rehires.

Step 1: Clone the Current Onboarding Checklist

From the Onboarding module, click 'Account' and then 'Settings'. Once Settings opens, scroll to the 'Checklists' section and find the checklist for New Employees.

Next to that checklist, click 'Clone'. This will create a copy of the checklist, which should then be renamed for rehired Employees.

Step 2: Customize the Checklist

Once the new list is created, click 'Edit' next to the list in the 'Checklists' section to review and remove unnecessary tasks for rehires. If needed, new tasks can be added to this checklist before the list is saved. Click here to learn how to edit an Onboarding Checklist.

Step 3: Assign to Rehires

This last step will depend on whether a small or large group of rehires need to be assigned this checklist.

Small Rehire Group

If a small group of rehires need to be assigned this checklist, they will be assigned individually:

  1.  Add the rehires to the Onboarding module.

  2.  In the Onboarding module, locate the rehire checklist and click 'Assign' listed next to it.


  3.  The 'Assigning Checklist' screen will open where the rehired can be selected from the 'Add Employees' section. This will remove their names and add them to the 'Selected Employees' section. Then, click 'Assign' to save the updates made.


Large Rehire Group

If a large group of rehires need to be assigned this checklist, they will need to be assigned in bulk:

  1.  Create an internal job posting in R365 Hire. Most of the fields can be skipped, such as prescreen questions or job description, but ensure to add the rehire checklist to the 'Employee Onboarding Checklists' section at the bottom of the job posting. 

  2.  Send this link to the rehires so that they can "reapply". All rehires who apply to this job will then be assigned the rehire checklist.

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