R365 Hire: E-Verify Statuses
  • 01 Jul 2024
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R365 Hire: E-Verify Statuses

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Article summary

This article is part of R365 Hire's E-Verify plug in and covers E-Verify Statuses. 

E-Verify Statuses

Employment Authorized

Employee is verified and eligible to work. Close the case

Unconfirmed Data

Some of the Employee's information needs to be corrected or confirmed before resubmitting. Review the highlighted information and resubmit

Closed - [eligibility statement]

The case has been closed. The eligibility statement will show, in the vast majority of cases, that your Employee is verified and eligible to work

Photo Match

Look at a photo of the Employee in R365 Hire and verify that they are the person being hired

Scan and Upload

User needs to provide photos of the front and back of the Employee's photo document

Tentative NonConfirmation - Pending Referral

Employer must provide the Employee with a formal notice that they have to visit a DHS/SSA office for additional verification, also called the 'Further Action Notice' letter. The Employee chooses whether or not to contest, and mark this in R365 Hire

Tentative NonConfirmation - Referred

The Employee chose to contest their nonconfirmation, and the case has been referred to DHS/SSA.  The Employee must be provided with the 'Referral Date Confirmation' letter, which is found by clicking the 'EVerify' status under the Employee name on the Onboarding Dashboard

This letter can found by clicking into the 'EVerify' status under the Employee's name on the Onboarding Dashboard. In the 'Required Form' window that opens, click 'Download' next to the document listed. Notify the Employee of this status and then print and provide to the Employee for signing. Close the case if the Employee chooses not to contest; if the Employee does want to contest, choose 'Confirm the employee has been notified of TNC' and click 'Submit’

Manual Review

DHS is manually reviewing the case. No action needed


The case is waiting to be processed. No action needed

Final Nonconfirmation

Employee is non-confirmed and no authorized to work in the U.S. Close the case

Close Case and Resubmit

Some problem has occurred, and this case must be closed and resubmitted. Close the case, click the 'Submit to E-Verify' link and start the whole process over. A record of this previous case will appear in the Employee's History tab

Duplicate Cases

Before submitting a case, E-Verify will ensure that a duplicate case has not already been created. A duplicate case means that a case has been created for that Employee with the same Organization within the last 30 days. If the case being attempted to submit through R365 Hire has already been created, Users will receive this error. Users will have the option to 'Cancel creating case and complete E-Verify step' or provide a reason for submitting a duplicate case.

Unconfirmed Data

After submitting a case, Users may see the 'Unconfirmed Data' status. This means that some of the Employee data may need to be corrected or confirmed before re-submitting. Users will be prompted with a banner to view the highlighted information and resubmit the case.

Photo Match

This status requires Users to look at the photo provided by the government and confirm that the photo R365 Hire displays matches the person that is being hired. This step will only trigger for documents that include a photo. 

  • Choose 'Yes, this photo matches', if the photo matches. 

  • Choose 'No, this photo does not match' if it does not match, or 'No image' if no photo is shown, or this photo is not of a person.

Scan and Upload

The 'Scan and Upload' status may occur after submitting the photo matching response. In this case, Users must submit two photos of the Employee's document: one of the front and one of the back.

Tentative Non-Confirmation - Pending Referral

If the photo of the employee doesn't match, or if the employee's information has been flagged by the DHS/SSA, the Employee will enter a status of Tentative Non-Confirmation (TNC).

First, Users should notify the employee of their TNC status. R365 Hire provides Users with a standard government form. It must be printed, signed, and provided to the Employee. Then, mark in R365 Hire that the Employee has been notified.

After the Employee has been notified of their Tentative Non-Confirmation Status, they can choose whether or not to contest. If the Employee chooses not to contest, close the case and note that the reason for closing the case has been determined by the Government. Then, click 'Submit.'

If the Employee does choose to contest, click 'Confirm the Employee has elected the contest the TNC. Then, click 'Submit.'

After submitting, Users will have the option to Download the Referral Date Confirmation (RDC) Document to provide to the Employee. This document outlines the Employee's rights and responsibilities. The case will remain open while the Employee contests their case. The case will enter into a status of Tentative NonConfirmation - Referred.

Queued and Manual Review

When an Employee is in this status, there is nothing for Users to do. DHS/SSA is working on it, and an updated status will appear as soon as E-Verify has provided it. 

Close Case ad Resubmit

When a case has a status of 'Close Case and Resubmit,' this is normally due to a technical error on E-Verify's part. Closing the case will restart the whole E-Verify process for that Employee.

Open a new case through the same 'Submit to E-Verify' step as if starting the process from the beginning. There will be a record of the previous case on the Employee's history tab: 'E-Verify [case #] closed for resubmittal.'

E-Mail Notifications

Users have the option to enable an E-mail notification each time an Employee's E-Verify status changes. Email notification options can be configured by editing the 'Submit to E-Verify' form. This can be accessed by first going to 'Account' and then Settings.' Locate 'Forms,' and click the Edit link to the left of 'Submit to E-Verify'.

When notifications are enabled, the User(s) responsible for the 'Submit to E-Verify' task will receive an E-mail each time an Employee's status changes. Users may also add the ability to copy additional people on the notifications. The content of notifications cannot be changed.

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