Creating a Fixed Date Policy Accrual Rule
  • 25 Jun 2024
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Creating a Fixed Date Policy Accrual Rule

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Article summary

This article reviews the steps for creating an accrual rule for a 'fixed date' type PTO policy using the accrual rule wizard on the Labor Admin page

Process to create a fixed date policy with the accrual rule wizard 

Creating a Fixed Date Policy

Follow these steps to create a PTO accrual rule for a fixed date policy: 

Starting the Accrual Rule Wizard

Navigate to the Labor Admin page. 

Click 'Create', then select 'Accrual Rule'.

Enter a rule name for the accrual rule.

This is used throughout the system as the 'Accrual Balance' name and will be visible to employees.

Rule names must be unique.

Select an earning type:

  • Unpaid

  • PTO

  • Sick

  • Vacation

  • Bereavement

This is the earning type that will be added to the DSS when accrued hours are used.

Click continue to move to the next step. 

Enter an effective start date.

This is the date that the rule will take effect. Employees assigned to this rule will not accrue hours prior to this date.

Click + Add Effective End Date to add an end date to the rule. (Optional)

Click Continue to move to the next step. 

Select the 'Fixed' type.

Click Continue to move to step 1 of the policy configuration.

Step 1 - How Do You Want To Set Up Your Fixed Accrual?

Select the date type:

If birthday is selected, the employee will accrue the set number of hours on the birthday set on their Employee Record.

If the employee does not have a birthday set on their Employee Record, accrual rules with this configuration will not be assignable to them.

If anniversary is selected, the employee will accrue the set number of hours on the hire date set on their Employee Record.

If the employee does not have a hire date set on their Employee Record, accrual rules with this configuration will not be assignable to them.

If a custom date is selected, all employees will accrue the set number of hours on the selected date.

If recurring period is selected, all employees will accrue the set number of hours on a set schedule; weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

If custom date is selected:

Select the desired date

If recurring period is selected:

Enter the number of days after an employee's start date (hire date) that must pass before the employee begins accruing hours. 

Select the period type.

If weekly or bi-weekly is selected, select the day of the week that hours should accrue on.

For weekly periods, hours will accrue on the selected day each week.

For bi-weekly periods, hours will accrue on the selected day every other week.

If the effective start date of the rule matches the selected day of the week, the bi-weekly cycle will start on the effective date of the rule. Otherwise, the bi-weekly cycle will start on the next instance of the selected day of the week after the effective date of the rule.

The day of the week is not selected for monthly periods. Hours associated with monthly periods always accrue on the first day of the month.

Enter the number of hours the employee must work in the period to accrue hours.

If left blank or zero is entered, employees will always accrue hours each period.

If paid non-worked hours should be included in the number of hours an employee must work in the period to accrue hours, enable the Accrue on Non-Worked Hours toggle. 

When enabled, selected non-worked hours, such as hours associated with sick earnings, are included when calculating an employee's total worked hours.

If the Accrue on Non-Worked Hours toggle is enabled, select the non-worked earning types that should be counted as worked hours.

When an employee has earnings associated with these earning types, the hours associated with them will be included in their 'Worked Hours' for the period.

For all date types:

Enter the number of hours that the employee will accrue on the set date. 

If employees should be able make requests that result in negative balances, enable the Allow Negative Balances toggle.

When enabled, employees will be able to submit time off requests that will result in a negative accrual balance. 

Review configurations, then click Next Step.

Step 2 - Maximum Balance and Tenure Bonus

Enter the maximum balance an employee can accrue.

If the accrual rate or maximum balance for employees should increase based on their employment tenure, enable the Tenure Bonus toggle.

Enter the Years Worked threshold.

When the employee's hire date is this number of years in the past, the tenure bonus will be applied when they accrue hours.

Enter the amount of hours the set number of accrual hours will be increased by.

Increasing the accrual amount is required for each level of tenure bonus.

Enter the number of hours to increase the maximum balance by. (Optional)

To add an additional level of tenure bonus, click '+ Add Another Tenure Bonus', then follow steps 3 - 5 for it.

Review configurations, then click Next Step.

Step 3 - Carryover Rules

If Recurring Period was selected as the date type, enter the Calendar Year End Date.

This is the date that accrued hours will expire or carry over each year.

If Birthday, Anniversary, or Custom Date was selected as the date type, associated accrued hours always expire or carry over on the accrual date selected in Step 1.

If accrued balances should carry over, enable the Carryover Balance toggle.

Enter the percentage of accrued hours that can be carried over for an employee.

Enter the maximum number of hours that can be carried over for an employee.

If unused carryover hours should expire after a set amount of time, enter the number of days employees can use the hours before they expire.

If unused carryover hours should not expire, leave this field blank.

If earnings should be added to the DSS for the employee when hours expire, enable the Pay Unused Hours toggle.

Review configurations, then click Complete. 

Click one of the following to navigate to the desired page:

Close - Return to the Labor Admin page.

Assign to Employees - Navigate to the Employees page.

View Accrual - Open the new rule in an Accrual Rule sidesheet.

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